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  • Hey man, everything okay with you? Haven't seen you around much lately.
    Thanks Josh.. it used to be fun, laughs, good natured camaraderie and respectful disagreements; but now the mean-spirited, bully side of folks that often comes out hiding behind a keyboard..
    I warned Clarity that letting the site have non-sports forums would be harmful... and many of them have never paid a dime... It blew out good dudes like Oiler and Nutty too.. we can get our OSU fix from Nevada and not have to deal with contemptible freeloader content.. altho there are also a couple mods in that arena.. oh well
    I've tried to find a way to segment the board but so far I haven't found one, and if we nuke it the content tends to leak elsewhere. I feel your pain on the contributor front though some of them wish to be unrecognized for their gifts.
    In the zip code I was raised, 90% of the homes are in foreclosure. When I grew up probably 90% of everyone worked for one of the rubber companies; other 10 worked for govt; I could use a $1 house in Akron but I'd have to put in a $20K security system
    Yikes. Reminds me of some areas from my childhood area in Pennsylvania or when my grandma would drive us through Detroit and point to what once was. Sad.
    When my Mom passed away in early 1990s, the house was valued at $93K.. today homes in the neighborhood are LISTING at $36K and not selling
    the only reason that Clark article was posted was because he was a QB at Hoban… I was thinking about you when I read that.
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    When I was at Hoban, they threw an All-state WR out of the school because they thought he was too big for his britches.. sucked because he was one of my closest friends
    mother-in-law auctioned off over 400 acres a few miles outside of Steubenville about 12 years ago before fracking. She is now 102 and lives with my wife and me. My poor wife:(
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    I'm a headhunter for stockbrokers.. and I talk to the brokers whose clients went from household assets of $25,000 to multi-millions in just the last few years.. the brokers used to make $50K a year and now make $500,000 a year
    I never knew you could send a message this way until about 15 minutes ago but I guess everyone who would come here could see what we are talking about which were not always be good.
    I do not jest not even semi- Google Melissa Martinek… What a waste. All I know is she would never perform any orthopedic surgery on me or any of my relatives. Your tax dollars at work… Stupid!
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