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2014 Offense Discussion

Compared to traditional QBs, yeah, [Barrett's] a fine runner...but compared to a running back? No.
How many quarterbacks in the country do you think are good runners by that definition?

The answer to the above question should be extremely close to zero.

But there are reasons why, despite the above, a lot of offenses (including Meyer's, and many years, Tressel's) are built around a quarterback who will run the ball regularly.

1) The offense gets an extra blocker (the running back) when the quarterback runs the ball. Conversely, when the running back carries the ball, the quarterback is not blocking for him.
2) The quarterback is always a threat to pass as long as he's behind the line of scrimmage, so that defenses can't commit to stopping the run until the quarterback commits to running. Conversely, as soon as the running back gets the ball the defense knows full well he is running it.

In short, a quarterback does not have to compare favorably to a running back in basic running skill in order to be as effective a runner.
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Pretty good points. I bolded that part because honestly (I cannot believe I am saying this), that is exactly what I was thinking watching the Bengals new hurry up offense made me think. They didn't execute in the red zone but they moved the ball with ease and kept the Ravens off balanced all game. With the type of weapons we have and deficiencies in the pass blocking department, that type of high-paced and quick throw offense would be ideal. Of course we aren't going to be able to install a new offense now and we actually have to execute for it to work, but something similar to that would be nice.
Defenses should feel over whelmed with who to cover and what to do. Like when i watch texas a&m opening week i was sitting there thinking WHO DO YOU STOP. It shouldn't be as simple as put someone over both guards and center and blitz. That's horse shit.

It's not rocket science if you have 4 people in the middle over 3 offensive lineman they are begging to be hit off tackle. If teams are aggressive and blitz the house what do you typically do? (You guys know the answer).

I'm tired of seeing Dontre come in motion to be honest. We all know what that means either a Tap pass or a Inside zone. I won't pretend like I am creative enough to wow anyone but even tech put bucky freaking hodges as QB. THINK MCFLY.
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Bottom line TH's creativity is going to be tested this season but so far his idea of play calling is Hyde middle for 7, deep ball incomplete, Braxton 40 on a QB draw. Is that game planning and adjusting or is it just superior talent making a move?

Ask yourself this... when was the last time you said to yourself "my god is the play calling unpredictable, this looks great!"

We will see what he comes up with now that he doesn't have Braxton to make him look briliant, carlos to break tackles and an offensive line that could move the defense 8 or 9 in the box.

His play calling was pretty awful during the final 2 games last year as well...
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His play calling was pretty awful during the final 2 games last year as well...
Because like tech both of those teams could win some battles here and there forcing us to either change things up or just out execute.

When you can't simply out muscle someone (and I assure you every top 10 team we can't do it consistently like we do in the big ten) then we must find ways around.

This ain't xbox where you can run zone read and go deep every play. (That's what I do and I'm a BAMF because it's unstoppable)
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Bottom line TH's creativity is going to be tested this season but so far his idea of play calling is Hyde middle for 7, deep ball incomplete, Braxton 40 on a QB draw. Is that game planning and adjusting or is it just superior talent making a move?

Ask yourself this... when was the last time you said to yourself "my god is the play calling unpredictable, this looks great!"

We will see what he comes up with now that he doesn't have Braxton to make him look briliant, carlos to break tackles and an offensive line that could move the defense 8 or 9 in the box.

As far as the Buckeyes go? Honestly I'd say against Cal last season. At least that is the last time I remember thinking something along those lines. After that it seemed to blur into 3 plays..Feed the Beast, Braxton run, Braxton throw. Don't get me wrong all three were pretty good options...and I know it isn't as simple as all that...but actually seeing one play call set up another like how I thought this offense might be..it was against Cal.

EDIT: And even then that might just be because i remember those two pass plays that worked so perfectly.

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I agree CAL I had some moments like that. Deep throws, inside zone, options, rub routes, corner fades,screens, jump pass, power, draws, sweeps, swing passes... they all were run and most importantly were ran WITH A PURPOSE. We moved the ball with 13, 2, 7, 1 (dontre), 9, 10, 86, 81,etc... we would run wide ,then hit them up the middle, then a swing pass, then go deep, but we would switch it up so that before the defense had a shot to adjust we had already attacked them in another way.

Now we seem to do the same thing until someone stops it. Then it takes a quarter or two more for us to do something to combat them. We are SLOW to adjust on both offense and defense. So far in two games this year hell the defense has made better adjustments.
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From a poster at 11W:

...the OSU offense has gone 9/47 (19.1%) on 3rd downs in the last 4 games (1/10 vs MSU, 2/13 vs Clemson, 2/8 vs Navy, 4/16 vs VT).

UM - 3/8
Indiana - 0/0 8D

It's probably unfair to start looking at stats after 2 games, especially one as ugly as the VT game, but a couple glaring ones.

Ohio State is 2nd in the nation in TFL yards (the bad one, for the offense), second only to SMU, whose coach just quit.

Back to the 3rd down conversion rate, Ohio State is tied for 116th in the nation, with Utah State and Fresno St, at 25%.


At least Texas is 120th, Miami is dead last at 124th. Sooooo, screw you Texas, you suck.
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As far as the Buckeyes go? Honestly I'd say against Cal last season. At least that is the last time I remember thinking something along those lines. After that it seemed to blur into 3 plays..Feed the Beast, Braxton run, Braxton throw. Don't get me wrong all three were pretty good options...and I know it isn't as simple as all that...but actually seeing one play call set up another like how I thought this offense might be..it was against Cal.

EDIT: And even then that might just be because i remember those two pass plays that worked so perfectly.

Excuse my post padding, but...Bears Defense Now Worst in School History...so yea.
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I have seen some of Urb's comments that the offense is designed to work against a base 4-3 defense and we haven't seen one of those yet. This begs the question of "say what", you are telling me we don't have the players and plays designed to to dictate what the defense does based on our utilization and not what they are aligned in? This just seems like very odd comments and almost misdirection on his part as to what is going on. What happened to a TE pop pass, a misdirection throw back, a slant, a stop, a basic screen are these no where in our playbook? If this is the wide open offense that out quicks, out speeds, and mystifies defenses, then please bring back the power I.....
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Yes I found that odd. The 4-3 is most especially prevalent outside of the big ten and how do you coach football for 12+ years and not understand how to attack different styles of defense?

If I'm Urban in the off season I go to the best defensive coordinators outside of the big ten and ask them "how would you attack my offense? " I don't need your playbook but give me some ideas so that I'm not caught off guard come game day. Hell just go to your own defensive group and ask.

The comments of "I wish we didn't have such a good opponent this week" and now "well if they just behaved and ran a 4-3 defense" DON'T FLY.

I remember when I was a sophomore outside linebacker I got taken out of a play and as such gave up a big play. My excuse? "I got blocked".... holy hell was that an error to say to a intense coordinator. He promptly replied "ARE YOU SERIOUS KYLE? GET UNBLOCKED THEN"

This reminds me of that. Find a way to get Un blocked as a offense. So we just accept we didn't have enough time and they weren't running a 4-3? My god... I believe in Urban and I think we will finish strong but we got the wrong offensive coordinator/ staff if we can only gameplan typical defensive alignments
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