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5 players suspended for 5 games in 2011 regular season (Appeal has been denied)

And according to this it appears this has been coming for a while....
However, it seems like OSU players have always ran in to issues with selling Championship rings and Gold Pants.

Maybe it's just because I follow this program so closely, but this definitely isn't the first go-round.

These are well-calculated decisions. This isn't just a spur-of-the-moment type of "mistake." To have Ohio State gear/memorabilia and set up deals to sell it...the players know better.
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kentuckbuck;1838909; said:
I just want to know if Pryor can still play on the basketball team this season............................ still eligible for that, correct?
Don't need him on the basketball team. They have great cohesiveness right now and are playing some of the best ball I've seen from an Ohio State team. He'd be hard pressed to find minutes anyways.
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Honestly, who really gives a shit about the bowl. I rather have guys miss the bowl than games next year. That said, the punishment seems about right to me and tOUS seems to be on the up an up here. Of course, the Espin headlines will emphasize "improper benefits" but this looks more like poor individual decisions than an institutional issue. In the end, I'm disappointed but not surprised by this sort of thing. The NCAA needs to give schools a better way to make sure kids have some "walking around" money. I mean, they can't work while in season and they don't all have parents that can float them pizza and tatoo money. Just my 2 cents.
They get a hefty chunk of "stipend" money.

Covers housing and food, etc...and I know athletes (as lowly as women's soccer players) that definitely spend that wisely...or on pizzas for me. :biggrin:
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While I think that the NCAA is ridiculous, the players KNEW the rules and CHOSE to break them. It sucks for all of the OSU faithful, but these young men knowingly screwed up, they need to suffer the consequence. Hopefully it will be a thing not only these individuals learn from but also will serve as an example for the rest of the Student Athletes that all those hours of compliance training and all those signs posted in the facilities are actually there for a reason. I am ok when a young person makes a mistake while trying to do the right thing, but when a young person knows what is ok and what is not and they make the wrong decision, they must be able to accept the punishment.
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Jake;1838912; said:
This alum is having a hard time buying that line. These boys have financial support most college kids never get by virtue of being football players. If they were really in crisis there are other avenues for assistance that students who don't have gold pants and rings to sell utilize every day.

Football wise, I hope the sanctions are reduced because I enjoy seeing them play and want to win. But if they aren't reduced and these kids bail on tOSU the blame for that outcome rests solely on their shoulders.

No matter the outcome I'm VERY disappointed in them, especially Terrelle Pryor. He's supposed to be a leader given his stature, position and ability, and this is the example he sets? :shake:

Agreed, I kinda read between the lines that this was more to help family than themselves.... still there are other avenues... to me the lack of education is a weak excuse but corporations get away with it all the time ....
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Esoteria;1838846; said:
5 Players sitting out 5 games next season for selling items and pay back money in regards to actions from LAST YEAR.
Mike Adams
Terrelle Pryor
Boom Herron
Devier Posey
Soloman Thomas

Just broke in on 97.1.

Eligible for Sugar Bowl.

I expect fully for TP to go pro in the draft now.

Instead of sitting out 5 games, how many of these players may just enter the NFL draft?
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OHSportsFan9;1838916; said:
However, it seems like OSU players have always ran in to issues with selling Championship rings and Gold Pants.

Maybe it's just because I follow this program so closely, but this definitely isn't the first go-round.

These are well-calculated decisions. This isn't just a spur-of-the-moment type of "mistake." To have Ohio State gear/memorabilia and set up deals to sell it...the players know better.

Exactly. These aren't new rules. The school is taking a hit for them by saying their player education was insufficient but I guarantee you they covered selling stuff to outsiders.
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I'm confused. Are they playing in the bowl or not?

tOSU removed them from the bowl.

Then the NCAA came in and said, no, don't do that. Suspend them 5 games next year (presumably because bowls = $$$).

But, that doesn't mean that tOSU couldn't stick with the bowl suspension and then also have games next year tacked on by NCAA.

Does anyone actually know if they'll play in the bowl game?
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