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I would be up for it. I would rather do the half season thing, where the league only lasts until the all-star break. That gives you a month off before the NFL season starts. It doesn't look like Yahoo offers that though. Oh well. If you want to set up a league, then I'll join in. Hopefully we don't have any deadbeat owners in this league, like we did the last time I got into a BP fantasy football league.
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I personally think that head-to-head is more fun because you are going against someone on a weekly basis and there seems to be more action and change in a head-to-head baseball league than a rotisserie one. But the only problem with the yahoo settings for head-to-head is that they won't let you choose how many playoff teams or when to set up the playoffs (at least I couldn't find any when I set my office league up). Last year, I got burned in my playoffs because yahoo automatically made the finals two weeks long over the last two weeks of the season and I got burned with some of my best players not playing in the last week. Thats my only complaint about yahoo though, I think it is a pretty sweet setup otherwise, especially charging the same amount as a Buckeyeplanet subscription. :biggrin:
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