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G/F Evan "The Villain" Turner (2010 Naismith Winner)

2002AGAIN;1683727; said:
I hope he leaves, for his sake. With the uncertainty on the NBA CBA, it might mean the loss of quite a few million dollars (if a new rookie pay scale is actually implemented). And there's a lot of things he can't control, like injury, the next one and done wonder, etc...I think it's in his best interest to leave now.

Don't know one way or the other, but I doubt rookie pay will go down much at least in the per year number. They've already taken care of that in the past. The NBA needs to reign in all the salaries over 10 mil if they want to save cap space. I'd love Evan to come back, but he's never going to do better in the league than he will this year.
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buckeyeinfla;1683754; said:
depends how much he enjoys the college life. he comes back they are set up to win it all. and i myself find the prospect of playing in NJ or washington as simply horrid.

With multiple millions, I think anybody could manage playing in those places. Anyway, who's to say those aren't the same teams positioned to draft him againnext year. After his back scare this winter, it's in his best interest to go get his money.

I would love to see Evan come back. But, with millions on the table, the smart move is to get payed. Coming back isn't going to help him.
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ysubuck;1683506; said:
What are the disadvantages to him coming back aside from the obvious money he would be missing out on?

Injuries is the most obvious answer. However, the sports media loves to over-analyze things and there's a chance his game could be over-analyzed and therefore degraded a tad due to it.

The longer this drags out the more I think he's going pro and he SHOULD go pro.
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dragurd;1683836; said:
It likely means he's sitting in a class room learning about how to take online class and just like 90% of college courses the first day of class is a complete waste of time.
Nice interpretation. Although, I think you've totally downplayed the significance of his comment about the weather. The class is a waste of time AND it was really, really, nice outside.
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NFBuck;1683766; said:
Coming back isn't going to help him.

While I agree that it would be a good decision to leave, Evan has a lot to improve upon, particularly his outside range. He's not going to be asked to be a primary ball handler in the NBA but towards the end of the season, he got sloppy a lot of the time with the ball and was turning it over something like 6 times a game. Coming back would help him in those aspect of his game and remove any question marks scouts have IMHO.
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southcampus;1683864; said:
While I agree that it would be a good decision to leave, Evan has a lot to improve upon, particularly his outside range. He's not going to be asked to be a primary ball handler in the NBA but towards the end of the season, he got sloppy a lot of the time with the ball and was turning it over something like 6 times a game. Coming back would help him in those aspect of his game and remove any question marks scouts have IMHO.

So he can be the first pick and not the second?

I agree, I just don't know how much value there is in coming back. The NBA (most of the time) isn't know as a defensive league, except for a few guys who specialize in it. The question marks aren't affecting his stock as it is and what if he comes back and doesn't show improvement?
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Poe McKnoe;1683867; said:
So he can be the first pick and not the second?

I agree, I just don't know how much value there is in coming back. The NBA (most of the time) isn't know as a defensive league, except for a few guys who specialize in it. The question marks aren't affecting his stock as it is and what if he comes back and doesn't show improvement?

Tell Adam Morrison that the NBA isn't known as a defensive league. It's keeping him on the bench. And getting drafted in a high position isn't the issue here. When you go pro, you don't get the same type of opportunities to work on your game. Evan isn't going to be a PG on the next level. If he wants to be a beast at the next level, his outside game has got to be a lot better. They move the line back in the NBA which isn't going to make it any easier to work on it. Your thrown to the wolves. I think in the long run, Evan could really benefit from coming back another year.
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There are a lot more things at play here than the normal, he is a high draft pick he should go.

He is a year away from a degree, most are still 2 or 3 years...His mom wants him to get a degree...

He truly likes it here.

He has said some things behind hte scenes and that sound like he is truly torn, after earlier there was all talk that he was probably going to leave...

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crazybuckfan40;1683911; said:
There are a lot more things at play here than the normal, he is a high draft pick he should go.

He is a year away from a degree, most are still 2 or 3 years...His mom wants him to get a degree...

He truly likes it here.

He has said some things behind hte scenes and that sound like he is truly torn, after earlier there was all talk that he was probably going to leave...


The part about his mother surprises me a bit. I kind of got the impression from a couple articles after last season that she wanted him to go pro then. That certainly can't hurt the chances for one more year.

60 for leave, 40 for stay?
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