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That did not go well for the principal.:biggrin: It started out bad when he tried to start the conversation with how he was unhappy that "He" got thrown under the bus by someone in the school district.

Me-"You're kidding right?"
Him-"What do you mean?"
Me- "My son was suspended for five days based on incorrect information and never received his right to due process."
Him-"Well let me correct you. We never suspend anyone without first talking to them and hearing their side of the story , it's our policy."
Me-"Well then you most certainly didn't follow policy considering we received a call saying my son was suspended Wednesday afternoon and nobody called to talk to him until Thursday afternoon."
Him- and I'm paraphrasing here..."You own me."

I also saw a copy of the letter. The very last line says...

"The Lady" has recommended a suspension of 5 days due to misconduct on school property.

It is signed by the principal from the school a few doors down.

I know for a fact that the principal of that school was specifically told by police that my son was never on school property, and had done nothing illegal.

The HS principal pretty much agreed he'd do whatever I asked, however for those demands to mean anything I would need to e-mail a few people in the school district.

So what should I do next? I mean other than get back into an enjoyable Game day mode.
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What do you mean? Is your son back in school come Monday? What is your goal? If all it was was to get your boy back into school, then you needn't do anything. However, if you want to make a larger point, write the email. Tell the recipients what happened, how disappointed you are, and you expect .. whatever it is you expect.

So - I guess my question is, did the principal say "hey, you gotta write an email to the board to have your son reinstated" or are you saying "should I take this further?"
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My son can and will return Monday. For any of this stuff to be removed from his record I will need to pursue things further.

edit: So yeah I guess I have to pursue it further don't I?

That's what it sounds like to me. So, I think your email should detail the facts underlying the matter (much like your post here) and the recap your discussion with the principal, that your son was reinstated as a result, and then demand that this incident be removed from his record.
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I have dealt with these school types before and they are the most arrogant and condescending folks I have ever meet. They are never...never wrong and don't mind tell you so over and over even when the facts don't fit their narrative. Sorry to tell you but you have to be just a little bit of a dick and keep presenting the facts and rebutting their so-called "facts". Most of the time they just hope to wear you down so you will go away. As long as your have the truth on your side keep pounding away, eventually they will fold.

Good luck to you.....
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