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LB Storm Klein (Official Thread)

but what if he didn't hit her ? How can he ever get justice ? His reputation will be tarnished in the eyes of many.

An eyewitness supposedly defended Storm's side of the story. She may be batshit crazy and deliberately tried to set him up. How is it fair to label him a domestic abuser in this case ?

For all we know he was trying to defend himself or , worse, protect her from hurting herself.

daddyphatsacs;2175319; said:
I like the move by Meyer here. He's got to send a statement to some of these kids that playing for OSU is a privilege and standards are much higher than a normal college kid. I don't care what the back story is, if these allegations are true he doesn't deserve to be on the team. I will never be a apologist for a guy who uses physical force on a girl. I get that some out there probably have at one time or another and it's despicable....regardless of how crazy she was, your a puss if you have to hit her and it's probably your own fault for getting mixed with her in the first place. :wink:
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DaveyBoy;2175400; said:
but what if he didn't hit her ? How can he ever get justice ? His reputation will be tarnished in the eyes of many.

An eyewitness supposedly defended Storm's side of the story. She may be bat[Mark May] crazy and deliberately tried to set him up. How is it fair to label him a domestic abuser in this case ?

For all we know he was trying to defend himself or , worse, protect her from hurting herself.

If you go back and re-read my post you will see that I said "If these allegations are true". I fully realize that there are two sides to a story, but I think Meyer probably has much more info than you or I do, so I'll defer to his judgement here.
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Bestbuck36;2175215; said:
Hmmm. I originally was 100% against Storm in this situation. I have ZERO tolerance for hitting women, but after the response Klein gave I had to pause a little. Suppose this chick is seriously loony over not still being with Storm and went bat[Mark May] crazy at his apartment. He has the right to try and excuse her from the premises and it doesnt sound like he struck her but restrained her and put her outside the door and locked it. Having worked security at bars and concerts, I have seen first hand how crazy bitches can really be and when you are trying to restrain them, they can actually do more damage to themselves than you would do to them. Of course, if he calls campus police who knows what happens anyway.

Now, if it comes out that she is battered and hurt because he used "force", he deserves what he gets. If he did what he could to try and avoid a more serious situation, he should get the benefit of the doubt. Very tricky situation here maybe.

Agree 100%, and GREAT post.

I grew up in a home where "violence" against women wouldn't be tolerated for a second, hence the horrible beatings I took from my sister who was 2 years older than me. Punches to the face, full blown kicks to the balls didn't matter, it was my dad's way of trying to teach me to do things a different way than punching her in her face or kicking the crap out of her. I remember many a time her coming after me and my only acceptable defense was to grab her by the arms and push her away. And yeah, since no hitting was involved I grabbed real hard with fingernails pointed and pushed really hard as well, and yeah, she got scratches and bruises on her arms as a result of this. This crap never stopped until I was 13 years ols and learned to wrestle, and one day put her in the "guillotine" for which she had no defense other than to cry for help from her 2 friends who got to witness this. I gave her three choices:

1. I'm gonna kiss you on your lips
2. I'm gonna break your neck
3. I'm gonna honkerspit on your face

She actually chose for me to break her neck, and since kissing her would be too sickening I just honkered on her face. It ALL ended that day.

Bottom line is this, Storm is a huge dude. If he perpetrated "domestic vioence" against this girl she would have come away with A tad more than "visible" injuries to her arm. Personally I think the kid was trying to get a crazed bitch off of him and she got what she deserved within reason, no punches, no headbutts, etc.

Let's let this thing play itself out and let justice prevail. But, based on what I've read, I'm in no way ready to rip on Storm as being a voilent criminal.

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woofermazing;2175521; said:
The police will always side with the woman in these kinds of cases unless the evidence against her is blatantly obvious.

Which is bullshit. It shouldn't be that the guy is staggering around or down on the ground and the chick standing there with a bloody hammer. People don't realize the amount of DV that is perpitrated by the female.

If anyone comes to a person's residence unannounced/uninvited and refuses to leave, then the owner should be allowed to use whatever force is needed to remove the "visitor", regardless of gender.
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MililaniBuckeye;2175524; said:
Which is bull[Mark May]. It shouldn't be that the guy is staggering around or down on the ground and the chick standing there with a bloody hammer. People don't realize the amount of DV that is perpitrated by the female.

If anyone comes to a person's residence unannounced/uninvited and refuses to leave, then the owner should be allowed to use whatever force is needed to remove the "visitor", regardless of gender.


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OH10;2175095; said:
I do think it is important to keep and open mind; not rush to judgment. Less than 1/2 of domestic violence charges result in conviction, due primarily to the unwillingness of the victim to proceed. I don't know what Meyer will do if the charges get dismissed for that reason.

Right now Klein is only a defendant, nonetheless go over to the Paterno thread and see if you don't see a similarity to what is being said in defense of Storm and what PSU fans are saying in defense of St. Joe.

I'm glad to see that Meyer is letting this go through the legal system and that this university is not trying to cover up a situation that deserves to be investigated.

Violence against women and child sexual abuse share a great deal in terms of reporting and prosecution and often for similar reasons, unwillingness on the part of the victim to proceed.
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some similarity ? Sure

a lot of similarity ? No.

the Paterno case is an example of a conviction resulting from a lengthy trial which followed a 4 year grand jury investigation. Paterno's particular situation is a result of additional evidence uncovered by PSU's own investigators.

So unless you can show where someone from Storm Klein's family or his roommate are suggesting that he is guilty of the charges, then the two situations are pretty far apart.

cincibuck;2175527; said:
Right now Klein is only a defendant, nonetheless go over to the Paterno thread and see if you don't see a similarity.

Violence against women and child sexual abuse share a great deal in terms of reporting and prosecution and often for similar reasons, unwillingness on the part of the victim to proceed.
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wasn't storm already charged with assault or something like that before this one...

i would think that works against him as well...

if you have a "history" of this stuff...

but then again, his girlfriend could been a crazy lying bitch back then too...oh well

best of luck...more to life than football...get your degree and find a nice girl....no more of these wanna-be jersey shore bitches...
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When linebacker Storm Klein was dismissed from the Ohio State football team on July 6 after being charged with domestic violence and assault, indications were that he might have a chance to return to the team if things went his way in his pending court case. But coach Urban Meyer said yesterday that nothing has changed in Klein?s status.

?If it all changes, then we?ll reevaluate it,? Meyer said at Big Ten media day, repeating what he had said soon after he booted Klein.

Meyer reiterated that Klein?s alleged actions against his ex-girlfriend left him with little choice but dismissal, in part because they were in conflict with some of the core values Meyer established upon his hiring, including proper treatment of women.

?Storm has a good reputation; he has good grades (and is a) good student, good guy,? Meyer said. ?(But) to me it was a severe violation. From day one, I was very clear about what we expect. And it?s nonnegotiable, and he understood it.?

Klein?s attorneys had sought a reduction in the charges in a pretrial hearing earlier this week but were denied. Klein has a trial date of Aug. 20.

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Ohio State football: Klein's attorneys file for dismissal
By Tim May

Attorneys for former Ohio State linebacker Storm Klein today filed a motion for dismissal of misdemeanor charges of domestic violence and assault against their client, citing a private investigator?s interview with the alleged victim in which she recants her story.

Included in the filing, made by attorneys Phil Templeton and Larry James in Franklin County Municipal Court, was a summary of the interview.

According to the summary, the alleged victim said she was invited to Klein?s apartment on July 6 and a disagreement ensued. She said she got up to leave, then decided she wanted to take a television she had loaned Klein. He wanted her to leave immediately, she said, and he 'wrapped his arms around me to get me out of the house.'

She said she was flailing and during that time she bumped her head accidentally, which caused a head wound, but that Klein 'was not being violent.'
The police report from the incident said Klein "violently and purposely grabbed" her by the forearms and slammed her into the front door, causing an abrasion and swelling to the left side of her forehead and scrapes on both of her forearms.
The alleged victim, the mother of a child with Klein, also asked in the deposition that the temporary protective order against Klein be lifted. Judge Carrie E. Glaeden granted only that Klein could visit with their daughter, according to court records.

Klein's trial is scheduled for Aug. 20.

Klein, a senior, was dismissed from the football team in the wake of the incident.
[email protected]
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I can't see him being reinstated on the team regardless. IF he did commit serious harm to her down the road that would look pretty bad on the university for letting him back on the team. Given our current probation I don't see us taking that risk. I know the comment will be made that we can't kick a guy off the team for a crime that "didn't happen" but there is a stong history of women changing their story after real domestic violence has occured - they make up, she feels bad about getting him in trouble, etc. I am not saying any of this is the deal but it is a common pattern in real domestic violence cases. Also of note, has there been any history of domestic voilence by him in the past?
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