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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

JoePed got off easy. Getting shit canned and the national disgrace he endured before taking a dirt nap are NOTHING compared with what the e-mail says he deserves.

Christ, the other fucking retards had actually decided to notify children's services before talking with Joe.

That piece of shit's body should be exhumed and it should be thrown into a cell to rot until it turns into dust. His name and likeness should be stripped of every building, road, room and crapper in the entire state.
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Am I the only person that sees this?
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OSU_D/;2172782; said:


Am I the only person that sees this?
I believe I referred to him as "Ed Rooney" sometime back. :)


Just a weird looking e-mail. Up top you have "From: Tim Curley" and "Cc: Gary Schultz" with no "To" field and a blank subject line. The body has the "To" field, Spanier added, and no subject line.

The extra large font and putting what Curley words in "quotes" also seem weird, but CNN may have just been doing that for effect.

I'd like the see the actual e-mail in total as that seems like it was edited.
Can't get nothin' by "MarylandLion". Multiple mouth breathing cultists then debate the appearance of the obvious cnn graphic thinking they were pics of the actual emails. :slappy:...

I think these emails Are from Mac Classic..
Excuse my email ignorance, but what institutional emails show the names in that manner ... "Tim Curley" without an actual email address (or a "name" followed by the email address)? And quotation marks around the body of the email? Additionally, where are the subjects and/or the blank "re" indications if there were no subjects initially. Finally, and more substantively, from another email the "next steps" included confronting Sandusky (and also Dept of Welfare, plus another step I don't recall). Why would the change of heart/action be based off not wanting to go to everyone except Sandusky, when they were going to go to Sandusky originally? That would fail the logic test.
The send button is still in the top left because its an open draft that hasnt been sent. Anyone think Tim Curley took a screen shot of this email back in 2001 before he hit send? Other emails may exist but this one looks off.

"I am uncomfortable with what we agreed were the next steps. I am having trouble with going to everyone but the person involved."
I read this as Curley did not agree with Joe on what to do next and that HE(Curley) only wants to go to Sandusky.
Of course you did, PSUgrad06.

More random hilarity:

That burns my a $ $ and is why Journalism by enlarge has become a total meritless joke.

Source document:


Read it in small doses, or all the spinning will make you violently ill.
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Excuse my email ignorance, but what institutional emails show the names in that manner ... "Tim Curley" without an actual email address (or a "name" followed by the email address)?

Let's see, that would be Disney's email systems, the Y I worked for, my school's, my friend's schools...yeah, most large email systems now show contact names. Oh, and then there's GMail, Yahoo...haven't checked my Hotmail/Live account, they might have switched that too.
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scarletmike;2172793; said:
Let's see, that would be Disney's email systems, the Y I worked for, my school's, my friend's schools...yeah, most large email systems now show contact names. Oh, and then there's GMail, Yahoo...haven't checked my Hotmail/Live account, they might have switched that too.

Let's not forget the real reason. They are email 'mock-ups' as the real emails would be too small in font size to show on TV.
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And what I mean by that is there is unconditional evidence now that the 3 stooges decided to actually do what might have been the right thing...until they talked to Joe. Then, what happened...happened. Sad beyond belief, what could have been prevented.
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Not for nothing, but if you listen to the CNN report, the e-mails from 2001 also refer to the "first situation"...clearly an acknowledgement that they knew about the 1998 incident, and not only had done nothing about it, but weren't even prepared to do anything about it in 2001 after it happened again.

Wow. Just wow.
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Time to paint over that halo, and maybe even JoePa completely.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. They need to go completely outside the cult and overhaul the administration from top to bottom. Not a single person with any kind of ties to JoePed or anyone else that was around during the last 20-30 years. It might even be preferable that said people have no regard for Joe's "legacy" if not a blatant dislike of it. The place needs cleaned out in the most drastic of ways.
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scarletmike;2172806; said:
Time to paint over that halo, and maybe even JoePa completely.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. They need to go completely outside the cult and overhaul the administration from top to bottom. Not a single person with any kind of ties to JoePed or anyone else that was around during the last 20-30 years. It might even be preferable that said people have no regard for Joe's "legacy" if not a blatant dislike of it. The place needs cleaned out in the most drastic of ways.
As appealing as that sounds to me, they won't hire such a person at all. Unfortunately.
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