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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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Bobby Hoying;1540789; said:
We saw the greatest O-line and RBs in college football and held them to about 1 TD.

No one in the Big Ten is close to USC's running game, we should be fine.
I agree. Let hope all of the home games are that loud because we saw how it helped. If it had been that loud against Navy there's no way they keep it as close as they did. We've always done well on the road in conference though despite taking everyone's best shot. For some reason we play down to the lessers at home.
I would feel better if Pryor ran it more. It seemed like at time that they knew he was just going to stand back there and throw it. Early on we got the big pass play because they were still respecting his running ability. It was also the best pass he threw all night.
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Had most of the day to take it in. I usually end up sitting there, staring at the wall, thinking, then muttering obscenities to myself. Another one that got away. I couldn't help but feel like we should have been up two touchdowns at halftime. Why Tress didn't just run the clock out and get into halftime with the lead is beyond me. However, I was really worried that SC would just roll us in the second half, but that didn't happen at all. I was really impressed with our D, especially against the run. When JT sent out the punt team at the 36 (didn't Pettrey just nail a 52-53 yarder last week?), I got the Texas 05 feeling.

In the end, it came down to what Mike Valenti once screamed out on live radio through destroyed vocal chords, "MAKE PLAYS!". They did, and we didnt.

Completely off topic, I just looked up this infamous Trey McNeil. Wow. Nice work guys. Fantastic.
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Tonyank;1540793; said:
Only dropping 3 spots in the rankings is real good i think. Lets just focus on next week. Thats not PSU or Meatchicken.

That's bullshit actually (not your post, our drop in the polls). I swear, pollsters have to be some of the stupidest people on the planet. The number 6 team loses to the number 3 team by three points and they drop the #6 team. Doesn't the result justify the initial ranking? I just don't understand what goes through some of these guys' heads.

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We're lauding a D that look good for 3 quarters in the 1st 2 games but dodn't look good in the 4th quarter in either contest with the game on the line. Hmmm...

The inconsistent O blame only goes so far. We almost blew the Navy game and couldn't close the USC game. An 8 Minute 80 + yard drive in crunch time wasn't luck by USC.

I'm not counting my chickens even next week against Toledo, who just put up 54 on Colorado.

I'm a loyal fan but this team needs to grow and is ranked too high.
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No other team who plays USC in the regular season will:
  • Hold them to 118 yards or less rushing
  • Hold them to 313 total yards or less
  • Hold them to 20 points or less
The yardage (rushing, passing and total) will probably prove to be about 2/3 to 3/4 of their average per game on the year after the regular season.

18 points will almost certainly be 1/3 to 1/2 of their average scoring for this season.

Our offensive production on the other hand, will probably come in right around where their average defensive numbers stand at the end of the year.

This is all speculation of course, but it would all match the DSA averages for the Buckeyes over the past 8 years.

Saturday night was not a "bad" offensive performance or a "great" defensive performance by the Buckeyes. It was exactly who they've been in the Tressel era on both sides of the ball. The defensive line performance was phenomenal, and to have a performance in a big game that matched (will match) the DSA numbers is a welcome sign; but it is not success by any meaningful standard.

Again, I concede that this is all based on speculation. So go right ahead and bookmark this post. Then come back to it at the end of the season and you'll see that I'm right.

All of that having been said: Those who say the Buckeyes are over-rated at 11th need to check the house for gas leaks. Seriously. There are not 5 other teams that can do what the Buckeyes defense did Saturday night. This is a Top 10 team.

To be Top 5, they need to have the offense play to half the level of the defense.
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Zander42;1540807; said:
That's bull[censored] actually (not your post, our drop in the polls). I swear, pollsters have to be some of the stupidest people on the planet. The number 6 team loses to the number 3 team by three points and they drop the #6 team. Doesn't the result justify the initial ranking? I just don't understand what goes through some of these guys' heads.

Don't get too worked up by the polls this early in the year. By December the cream will rise to the top and everyone will be where they should be. Just win and everything else will take care of itself.
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BuckeyeNation36;1540835; said:
We're lauding a D that look good for 3 quarters in the 1st 2 games but dodn't look good in the 4th quarter in either contest with the game on the line. Hmmm...

The navy comeback was a complete fluke and everyone knows it.

As for USC, I think they backed off a little at the end (played not to lose) and it bit them. That said, the D should never have been put in that position to begin with.
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Great pic from Dan Harker @ theozone.net. After posting this, I'm moving on. No more posts here, it's game week. Fuck Toledo!


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Not a great game by the defense? Are you kidding ? Holding USC to essentially 11 points with the type of talent that they have? The offense blew this game plain and simple. Not only did we not punch the ball in when we needed to but we also gave the opposing team 7 points as well to start the game (not to mention it took them all 4 downs inside the 2).

Not at one point during the game while the defense was on the field did I feel uncomfortable.

You're right you can't allow a drive at the end like USC had... but for how they played the whole damn game it's acceptable. Sucks how it ended but this was one of the best defensive performances I can remember. No fault on the defense! They did their part holding the opposing team in check till reinforcement came. The problem is the reinforcement NEVER CAME. The offense on the other hand??? Fails to produce on two drives that started on the Trojans half of the field, and the other two drives that started in trojan territory we got field goals. Two seperate times we had it first and goal inside the five and settled for a total of 6 points. You can only ask a defense to hold up for so long. The defense managed to hold up for everydrive but the last drive thats all. We asked for it by not taking shots at the endzone and it came back to bite is in the Loss column because of it.
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I just got back from Columbus, having attended the game. First of all I want to say that I feel fortunate to have witnessed that game in person. I've been to many Buckeye games since I attended my first as a teenager in 1997. It was by far the most hyped game I've been to, my first night game, and it was by far the best crowd I've been a part of. I was at the very top of the closed end. I don't know just how loud it really was at field level or how it compared to some of the bigger games of the recent past in that regard, but I know that us folks in 1C & 2C did not waste a single opportunity to make that place rock as much as possible.

I'm intentionally posting without reading anything here because I want what I say to be informed by what I saw rather than other people's insights or media commentary.

I think what we saw was a valiant performance by the Buckeyes. I think that defensively they contested the Trojans in ways that I don't think we'll see again this season, and I don't think we've really seen any team do since they rose back to prominence under Pete Carroll. I think they mustered a performance that many of us would not have expected after the way the first game went. The Buckeye defense held USC to one TD drive longer than two yards. That's damn impressive and I'm proud of them.

I think that Terrelle Pryor had a good game as a passer. Some were off the mark, and the early INT was a horrible play on his part. I also saw him drop some passes into the hands of his teammates over the top of outstretched defenders to that looked very impressive to my distant untrained eye. I think this game showed just how much the team is asking of one player right now. Guys like Vince Young have set the bar impossibly high for Pryor, and realistically to beat a team like USC you need solid, good or great performances by more than just one player.

I'm gonna name a few things that disappointed me in this game. It's probably gonna sound like I see more negative than positive in this game, but that's really not the case:

I think clock management needs improvement. That drive near the end of the first half where the offense had 3rd and 3, threw an incomplete pass and gave USC enough time to drive for a FG to close the half was obviously a huge sequence in a game where that score provided the margin of victory. It looked to me like a run-pass option for Pryor where he made the wrong decision (maybe that playcall/decision has already been dissected here). If that really was the play that was called I think it was a good one, Pryor just needs to make the right decision. Going back to a few points last season, and also in the desperate struggle to move the ball and score after the Trojans took the lead at the end, Pryor just seems to look uncomfortable and not ready in situations where clock management is crucial. I'm confident that he'll develop in that area as he continues to gain experience.

I think all of us were probably frustrated with short yardage situations on both sides of the ball. This is an issue that really carried over from last week. They failed to convert on offense when it really mattered most, and failed to stop the Trojans when they were faced with similar situations. I imagine a lot of that discussion is going to focus on the quality of the Buckeye O-line, as well as the relative superiority of their USC counterparts. I have spent more of my time since the game thinking about the playcalling though. When USC was faced with a 3rd or 4th & 1 they didn't hesitate to put the ball in the hands of their freshman QB (who's smaller than Pryor) and let him ride the center or guard to the first down. Ohio State on the other hand would hand the ball off 5-7 yards deep in the backfield and get stuffed. Why not let your big strong QB plow ahead for a first down or touchdown? I don't remember one way or the other to confirm, but has Tressel been hesitant to dial up that kind of play since Pryor improvised and made a mistake to lose the game against Penn State last year?

Finally maybe my memory's a little hazy on this, but I think the Buckeyes' possession right before USC's game-winning drive ended with the Buckeyes at the distance for a 53-yard FG attempt. Pettrey has a big leg and had done well on long FGs in the past - why not give him a crack at extending the lead? I understand the argument against that - the defense had been lights out, and the punter was doing very well - pin 'em deep and let your defense come up with another stop. Maybe it's just a difference in philosophy - what do I know? I'm just a fan second-guessing a man who has made a career of making solid decisions and winning championships. I think though that against a team like USC you can't miss a chance to collect points because eventually they are gonna get theirs, even when you play awesome defense.

I've said something similar before after big losses and I still think it's true. Even if you feel disappointed or exhausted by it, now more than ever it's important to show your pride, wear the colors, go to the game, and be as loud and supportive as ever. We're the best fans in the land, and the team needs to hear our support when things are tough. For me part of being a Buckeye is being more proud of the team and the university in defeat than others would bother to be for their school in the same situation. I hope that's the way people are carrying themselves on here. I know that's what happened at the stadium on Saturday night. While USC fans were jubilant, most Buckeye fans who attended it seems stayed to sing Carmen Ohio - it was solemn but sincere, and I think we all did our best to sing as strongly as our raspy, tired voices would let us at that point. In fifty years, that's the moment that I'll remember most from the game.
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