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When is it OK for a grown man to cry?


Straight Shooting
I think probably the only time it's appropriate is when the Bucks lose, but this writer has other suggested occasions. Anyone want to chime in on this one?

Sen. Tom Coburn crys on the floor of the Senate

In response to Senator Tom Coburn (R - OK) crying during his Senate hearing speech to confirm Judge John Roberts to the SCOTUS, AnkleBitingPundit wants to go Godfather on Sen. Coburn and slap him in the face and yell, “You can act like a man”.
Bulldogpundit asks, “When is it OK for men to cry in front of other people?” His list includes:
Birth of a Child
Death in the Family (including a pet)
When the 1980 US Olympic Hockey Team Beat the commies.
Illness to a close family member or friend
Playing your last high school or college sporting event
During the following movies:
“Field of Dreams” (only the last scene when he’s playing catch with his Dad)
“Brian’s Song”
I agree with all of those, except for during Field of Dreams. I grew up without a father, so that whole father/son playing catch moment at the end holds no emotional wieght for me.
I would add the following times when it’s OK (or was OK) for a man to cry in front of other people:
  • During the 21-gun salute or the playing of taps at the funeral of any Soldier.
  • While watching the Twin Towers burn, watching American citizens jumping from those towers, and then watching the towers fall
  • While visiting Arlington National Cemetery or the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington DC
  • If you’re a Soldier, it’s OK to cry when your feet touch US soil upon returning from a war-time deployment, and when you hug your friends and family for the first time in a long time.
  • If you’re the father, husband, or son of a Soldier, it’s OK to cry when your Soldier leaves for war, and also once they make it back home from that war.
  • <DEL dateTime=2005-09-15T13:06:40+00:00>Losing your home and everything you’ve ever owned to a fire, a flood, or another natural disaster is a valid reason for tears, too.</DEL> Thanks to a comment by Ymarsakar in the Comments section, this one needs to be deleted. Read the comments to find out why.
  • I cried during President Reagan’s funeral, albeit in the privacy of my living room.
  • I might have also let loose a tear while watching Cal Ripken break Lou Gehrig’s consecutive game streak in 1995
When else is it OK for a man to cry in front of other people?
When this happened.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=460 bgColor=#8d2929 border=0 xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" xmlns:user="urn:namespace-cio0"><TBODY><TR><TD width=20 bgColor=#8d2929></TD><TD width=440 bgColor=#8d2929>Derek REDMOND
Finishing At Any Cost
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</TD><TD width=416>Derek Redmond's running career was frustrated by injury. In 1988, Redmond was forced to withdraw from the opening heat of the Olympic 400m contest only two minutes before the race was scheduled to begin. By the time of the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, he had undergone five operations, including one on his Achilles tendon less than four months before the Games began. In Barcelona, everything seemed to be coming together for Redmond at last. He was running well: he recorded the fastest time of the first round and he won his quarterfinal heat. As he settled into the blocks for the start of his semifinal race, Redmond's thoughts turned to his father, Jim, and the support he had always given Derek. Derek got off to a clean start and was running smoothly when, about 150m into the race, his right hamstring muscle tore and he fell to the ground. When he saw the stretcher-bearers rushing towards him, he knew he had to finish the race. Redmond jumped up and began hobbling forward despite the pain he felt. His father ran out of the stands and joined him on the track. Hand in hand, with Derek sobbing, they continued. Just before the finish, Jim let go of his son and Derek completed the course on his own, as the crowd of 65,000 gave him a standing ovation.
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