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Which Muppet are you??


I give up. This board is too hard to understand.
Muppet Personality Test


Golferdow01 said:
Actually, Gonzo and Quagmire look a lot alike!

Buckeye Babe said:
That's what I got! I can't believe you admitted it, though. I was really mad that that's the one I got. I HATE her character. Oh well, it's out now.
Yeah, but at least his picture of me is showing off my cleavage.
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You are Animal!

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[/font] [font=Palatino Linotype,serif]"Uh oh..." [/font]

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[/font][font=Palatino Linotype,serif]Legal Notice: All Muppets and related images are copyright of The Walt Disney Company[/font]

WooHoo!!!!! I was a drummer back in the day, so this is perfect!
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