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Andy Geiger- Retired Athletic Director (Merged all relevant threads)

Alan said:
to take off the s&g glasses and be devil's advocate.....

arrogance can also refer to his approach to this entire moc fiasco for two years....unwilling to believe that anything bad can be happening on his watch...only to backtrack later with astonishment when he finds out that is wrong...
Sad - Alan, the whole thing.

Ironic that some in the press were calling for him to stay on despite his barbed responses to their pointed questions.
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Alan said:
this may be interesting to y'all.....i just got an email from a very, very, very high-up national sports reporter that everyone knows....it started with...

"so the arrogant ad finally gets his."
Alan, this was completely unnecessary and inappropriate and I am disappointed that you would post it.

Are we supposed to be moved to think badly about Andy Geiger because one of these fine journalists thinks he got his on a man who wouldn't cow-tow to them or sit back and quietly accept their obscene untruths?

Please tell your very, very, very important (and, of course, not at all very, very, very arrogant) national sports reporter to sell disgusting somewhere else.

I am simply amazed that these people can get out of bed in the morning and look at themselves. But then, I suppose, prostitutes of all kinds do.

To hell with the media and especially with ESPiN.

Thank you Andy Geiger for all that you have done for The Ohio State University! When you go, it will be a very hard act to follow.
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To defend Alan here...I have read some of the emails and comments he has received over the past few months. Our respect and admiration of AG is not shared around the country and certainly not in certain circles of sportswriters...
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For those who did not hear the press conference. Andy is planning on stepping down in June unless a new AD is found sooner. He plans to be a consultant to the athletic dept for one year beyond. Thank you Andy for all that you have done. Even though Andy graduated from Syracuse - he will always be a Buckeye to me. He represented the Buckeye Nation well during his term. Well done Andy.
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certain circles of sportswriters...
This isn't a reflection on Allan by any means but I for one could give a rat's ass what many of these so-called "sportswriters" happen to think.

I realize that they aren't "sportswriters" but when no nothing idiots like Trev Alberts and Mark May get on national TV and make unfounded remarks about other individuals, I have nothing but utter disgust for them. I'm sick of them all.
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Alan said:
steve and others.....do not think that those are my thoughts......i am just trying to tell you what the national media figures think.....that is what they think about geiger....not me...
Sorry, Alan, I didn't mean to give the impression that I thought it was. I am just so incredibly angry and so very sick of these self-righteous low-life's.

The nice thing about Jerry Springer is that he lets you know exactly where he stands. There's an honesty and integrity in that. These guys have none. Alan, you appear to have lots and I certainly didn't mean to imply otherwise.
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Thanks to Andy Geiger for:

- 10 years of fine service to The Ohio State University

- Developing excellent facilities for many different sports

- Instituting model programs for monitoring compliance

- Raising the standards of academic performance for tOSU athletes

- Hiring Jim Tressel

- Standing up to intense media scrutiny for the last 2 years

Enjoy your retirement, AG, you've earned it.
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The bums at ESPN can say whatever they want right now. They have been proven right. Their story was given credibility and they are crowing like the cocks that they are!!!

It really got to me when AG got choked up. This is a guy who loved his job and that love was taken away from him. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I would trade the 2002 NC for Clarett never setting foot on the Ohio State campus.

The best we can hope for is that the NCAA will finish their investigation and find nothing. Weather the storm. I suppose that we could also hope that ESPN will report OSU's clean bill of health with the zeal that they reported the Clarett/Troy Smith scandals :slappy:
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