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Another Buckeye basher's invaluable "two cents"....

please go back to bucknuts. Over there they love vague titles. Tho I guess if you had properly described this article, it would have been deleted a lot sooner.

The premise of this article is:
"Thank you troy smith for ruining our season"

This sentence doesn't even make sense:
With an average quarterback, Ohio State would be cruising to a national championship win over USC since the Buckeyes have blown two games.
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I too feel like I'm owed back the last three minutes of my life.

Anyone who gives zero credit to the Penn State D for how the game played out is working with most of their brain tied behind their back.
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I realize you probably haven't picked up on it yet, but here at BP we don't just bash a player and not offer up any solutions. Wouldn't surprise me if you wrote the above article yourself
Our biggest problem is the play calling, but Smith flat out can't execute. You can't blame Zwick for the lack of completions down field when the coached simply aren't calling those plays. Zwick has been very accurate this year and has shown that he can throw the short pass, where as smith thinks a 5 yard swing pass should be thrown 90 miles an hour. Also, I don't know how a tight end that can't catch and can't block is starting on this football team. I'm NOT one of the morons that sent Hamby hate mail and I won't be, but he needs to sit. Put in Stan White Jr. or Rory Nicol, get them some game time, for god's sake they couldn't be any worse.
Troy Smith will never be the answer in this offense. If you're running a spread, why do you start a running QB? If we stay in the spread Zwick needs to start. I equate what we're doing on offense to spending hours cultivating your garden and then paying the neigbors kid 10$ to run over it with a lawn mower.
I don't know what tress is thinking, but he has done a pitiful job of utilizing his players. We have more talent that anyone in the bigten and we play like a 1AA team Sad. Pathetic.
I'm disgusted tonight. We have a complete and total lack of leadership like Krenzel provided.
I'm glad someone who has NEVER heard a single word Troy has said to his teammate can judge his leadership abilities. He's the guy leading the prayer after getting beat bad. And he is the leader of this team. You can say he sucks at playing the position, but every teammate disagrees with you about leadership.
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If by 'it' you mean your inability to live and operate within the confines of reality, then yes.

Can someone get two Great Post awards in one day?

Here - should SWOhioBuckeye still be reading is what I consider a well thought out, clearly constructed and rationally stated assessment of what went down in Happy Valley. It even has constructive game-plan suggestions for how they might have overcome the issues that led to our team's loss. It is written by John Porentas - who remains the most level headed homer you could find anywhere.
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Haha, what a bunch of morons. If you can't see that our QB position needs help, maybe you need help. How is this a vague or misleading title? If you didn't get the jist of the article after reading it's title and read it anyway, you lose the right to bitch about being owed 3 minutes of your life back. :shake:

But oh nos someone expressed their opinion on a message board, let's team up like we do for the gay pride parade and bash him!
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no, someone posted an article that does nothing but whine like a five year old about how troy smith messed everythign up for him... offering absolutely nothing useful about how to improve. If you can't understand the difference between the two, then I think you should re-evaluate who is being "moronic."

most of the people who just responded negatively to you are fed up with Smith and JT. But they are capable of sayign that sucked, and here's what we need to do. Sorry that you can't grasp the difference.
Haha, what a bunch of morons. If you can't see that our QB position needs help, maybe you need help. How is this a vague or misleading title?
"This article sums it up"... you're right, that's not vague at all. Maybe more columnists should use that title when they write gameday analysis articles, b/c it really is a very descriptive one.
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I realize you probably haven't picked up on it yet, but here at BP we don't just bash a player and not offer up any solutions. Wouldn't surprise me if you wrote the above article yourself
I'm glad someone who has NEVER heard a single word Troy has said to his teammate can judge his leadership abilities. He's the guy leading the prayer after getting beat bad. And he is the leader of this team. You can say he sucks at playing the position, but every teammate disagrees with you about leadership.

You do realize the that you just attacked me for not offering any solutions and then quoted my previous comments in which I did just that.

1. I made a comment about Hamby and then mentioned the Nicol and White should get some time in the game.

2. I made a comment about using a running QB when tOSU runs a spread offense, and stated that Zwick should start in that type of offense.

3. I made the point that Tressel is doing a bad job of utilizing his players. See #2.

4. This comment was from a thread praising Krenzel, my comment wasn't geared towards any particular player, just what I percieve as a lack of leadership.

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were there some suggestions made in your post? I suppose... but how was the article you posted anything short of bashing? There wasn't a drop of useful info in that piece. Therefore taking that first, and then looking back at the negativity, it's gonna taint the way we approach your contribution.

#4 is bull. If I said I was disgusted with our performance, and We have a complete and total lack of talent like Cooper provided, who would you think I was talking about?
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He's the guy leading the prayer after getting beat bad. And he is the leader of this team. You can say he sucks at playing the position, but every teammate disagrees with you about leadership.

Ok, then Tressel should name Smith the starting After Game Prayer Leader when he names Zwick or Boeckman the Starting QB. :biggrin: <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
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