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Any Coaching Changes this Offseason?

O'Rourke;1060578; said:
There will be no coaching changes unless somebody leaves for a better/higher paying job. I'm not on the "death to Heacock" bandwagon, but I hope he learns some things from this game and the Illini game. We need to be less predictable on defense and mix up zone and man coverages without giving the call away before the ball is even snapped. You are allowed to drop a DE or DT into a shallow zone when running a zone blitz, it doesn't always have to be the four down linemen plus one guy who is right on the freaking LOS before the offense breaks the huddle. You can bring 2 or 3 LB's and a safety or CB up to the LOS and show blittz and then rush three and drop eight to mess with a QB trying to make a pre snap read. You don't have to run the same overload blitz on every single third down. Make the other team's QB THINK before he throws the ball, don't give the play away before the ball is even snapped.

Just by knowing the down/distance and seeing our defensive alignment I could predict what we were doing on D most of the time last night, and I'm just some guy who's watched all the games on TV. You know damn well that the LSU coaches watching film for over a month knew what was going on, that is why our guys looked so lost in the NC game. You can't just out-athlete every team, you've got to put those skilled players the NFL is drooling over in the right positions to make plays.

spot on analysis. We have such great athletes, the same caliber as LSU, USC, any other program in America. Our short-comings have been in execution and game planning.

I stated in another thread that we were definately more aggressive last night which was a good thing, but it was a passive-aggressive defense if that makes any type of sense.

Our blitzes were predictable. There was zero element of surprise. LSU knew exactly what to get and they got it.

In contrast, LSU brought 8 into the box on obvious throwing downs, and dared us to make a play. They challenged us to beat them, and had the confidence to do it.

Their CB's were practocally in the neutal zone waiting to defend our receivers. A far cry from our usual 10 yards off the line of scrimmage in a zone defense to protect against the big play.

Anyways, it isn't enough to just call a more aggressive gameplan as Heacock did. We need to disguise blitzes and defenses to force opposing QB's to think on the field instead of being able to make decesions pre-snap.

I miss the days of Antoine Winfield CB blitzes and leaving Shawn Springs on an island asking teams to throw at him. It's time to trust our athletes, and if they get beat once in a while, tip our hat to the other team and tell them they're going to have to do it again, because we're going to be aggressive all night.

Rant over.
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I am like some here I am not as happy with the D as we should be. It is great to be ranked #1 and all in D but what good does it do us if they keep looking like they have for the last two NCG.

Whether it is adjustments that need to happen faster or changing the scheme I don't really care but something needs to happen. I don't think either Florida or LSU had any better O's than Miami did and 2002 and yet we handled them. The D coaches need to find what was lost since that time. We have a very tough game coming up early next year with USC. You can garentee USC is coming to play and I for one have no desire to watch the Bucks get their asses handed to them again against another tough OOC team like that. So whatever changes need to be made they better happen fast.

As far as any coaching changes yes I think at least one needs to be made. Someone needs to go from special teams this year. Our special teams was basically horrid this year and there is no more proof of that than having 4 field goals blocked this year. Some teams go years without having 4 blocked we did it in one year including the last place we wanted one blocked on Monday night.
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Do we need to coaches? IMO humble opinion, we need a change in philosphy. If the coaches cannot change THEN they need to move on. Especially on offense more so than defense. But let me ramble on for a few minutes.

Our defense and its players are more than adequate. What I saw in the Florida game (unprepared), Illinois (unprepared) was the fault of poor schemes and coaching and the inability to make adjustments throughout the game while the LSU game the players were undisciplined. The coaches schemed for the game prett darn well.

Against Florida - We gave Leak the underneath passes when we should have taken that away and forced him to beat us deep. Play press coverage and mix up the blitz packages. The coaches never attempte to adjsut appropriately. This team was not prepared to play.

Against Illinois - We kept Mildenhall in check but we did not have a spy on Williams the entire game it seemed. We stop Williams, we win the game. Of course it didn't help with the turnovers that put our D in bad situations and if our d-line and backers were getting tired why did we not pull them to give them breathers and sub appropriately.

Agaisnt LSU - Penalties, Penalties, Penalties. From my stance the refs were pretty pissy about the PF calls (I have seen worse not called) but they were called nonetheless. Lack of discipline. The attempted block punt was a fluke. Spitlers angle was poor but it was a fluke that the punter even got it off. I knew from that point we would not win the game. Also, 3rd down conversion, most of the time they were third and short and converted. We were 3rd and long and did not. To me, besides the penalties, that was the tale of the game. For the most part, our defense did not play terrible. Our team shot themselves in the foot.

The only questions I have on offense are:

Why did Beanie only carry the rock 19 times? He was a man amongst boys especially when we got him out on the edge.

Why didn't we roll TB out more to avoid the pass rush?

Why didn't we attempt to run 4 and 5 receiver sets? While Hartline and Robiskie are fine receivers, they are not game breakers.

Is our O-line over rated? Why do we need the TE to stay in and block if our O-line is so damn good?

Bottom line, IMO: Our coaches need to be more innovative. While I know they have more football knowledge in their little finger than I have in my melon. We also have the saying about, "Teaching old dogs, new tricks." I do think JT, Heacock and Bollman are to stubborn or scared to be more inovative.
Sometimes I think they out think themselves especially JT on offense. We needed to run the ball down their throats and it showed early in the game we could run on them. Why did we stop? Anybody have any answers, I'm spent.

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TJnTN;1060514; said:
There was a point in the game last night were I felt someone needed to go over to the defense and reinvigorate them. The blank stares and just a sense of hopelessness as LSU went on that 31-0 run really bothered me. There was a point in the second half when obviously they responded but the entire 2nd quarter there was no fire there. Now is this just a player thing? Maybe the captains not stepping up? Or is this a coaching thing?

If you look back, we've really not palyed with much intensity the entire season. Yes we had a good defense, but a lot of the fight and attack has not been there compared to previous years. Even from the get go, we never seemed fired up.
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The only main change I'd like to see is our defense...Even though we were one of the top defensive teams in the nation last season, I still think there is work to be done (isn't there always?). We have a lot of talent, and I'm a huge JL fan, but I think that our strategies need some adjusting.

I'd like to see Tress stick with Beanie Wells' running game for at least 2 plays in a row every so often...but Jim knows what he's doing, and that's why I'm not the coach.

Other than that I don't suggest any hiring or firing.
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short answer, no.

long answer, still no. but wait, theres more! our defense isn't dominant and doesn't change games. yes, we had the #1 ranked d heading into the nc game. but rankings are only part of the story. our d does not and has not given me the confidence that if the o doesn't show up they can win the game anyway. i really haven't felt that way since 05. not to mention we haven't been a very good tackling team in 2 years. we've seen team after team break tackles on our d. just go back to the northern illi and texas games from last year for perfect examples of this. im not certain we are running the right schemes to fit the personnel and im not sold on jenkins at safety. i understand why you would want to protect our young safeties with a veteran talented player like jenkins, but i don't think it is in any of their best interests for this to happen. it doesn't get more reps to the inexperienced guys and it takes reps at cb away from jenkins. neither of which strike me as positive.

now, is this reason enough for heads to roll? of course not. but i am beginning to become concerned about coach heacock. i don't think he can be judged fairly by the 06 d because they were so young. but this past season and the upcoming one should give us a pretty solid barometer as to how good a coach he really is and whether or not he is cut out for this type of position.

on a side note, my biggest complaints from this year revolve around a first year qb who lead the team to a nc game and a d coordinator whose d finished the regular season ranked #1. the word "nitpicking" comes to mind for some odd reason...
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osugirl2012;1060738; said:
The only main change I'd like to see is our defense...Even though we were one of the top defensive teams in the nation last season, I still think there is work to be done (isn't there always?). We have a lot of talent, and I'm a huge JL fan, but I think that our strategies need some adjusting.

I'd like to see Tress stick with Beanie Wells' running game for at least 2 plays in a row every so often...but Jim knows what he's doing, and that's why I'm not the coach.

Other than that I don't suggest any hiring or firing.

I would have loved to see some more curl routes during the LSU game. I don't know if that was coaching or if that was a limitation due to Boeckman (i.e. perfect timing with curl routes are almost impossible to defend)
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Coqui;1060721; said:
If you look back, we've really not palyed with much intensity the entire season. Yes we had a good defense, but a lot of the fight and attack has not been there compared to previous years. Even from the get go, we never seemed fired up.

I would disagree with this statement. I recall a number of games earlier this season where the Buckeyes hit like they were trying to make the other team cry. Maybe it was the level of competition or something else. But there was a point this year where they "brought it".
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Yes early in the year the guys were flying around and very excitable.. but after watching the entire season.. it's evident that was laregely due the competition we were playing.. i didnt see that stuff in the game against better teams.. Maybe Michigan, but that was in horrid conditions for the offenses and they had a QB with a bum shoulder..

In regards to Jenkins and the safety position.. it may be a priority that he play there, cause Anderson Russell seems to have zero ball skills.. he cant catch the football, and he doesnt seem comfortable with the ball in the air..

At this point, i think he's regressed and is a shrunkin LB playin safety.. and he may not even be that with the way he tackled the other nite..
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