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buckiprof;1255014; said:
Many, many years ago, I learned from my father to never boo a college athlete or a college team. He even stressed that I shouldn't boo scUM when they take the field.

His reasons were simple. They are college athletes, kids still developing their skill set. He also made it clear to feel free to boo the professionals since they are getting paid good money.

Here I am now, as a father, dispensing the same mindset to my sons. I have never booed a college athlete or a college team and that does include scUM. I have been to roughly 15 OSU v scUM contests and have never booed those winged helmets. Simply because they are college athletes.

Basically, to me anyone who believes that it is acceptable to boo a college athlete, or that it is acceptable when others boo a college athlete has their head up their ass a little too far. Such a person is not one that I consider to be a true fan nor a true fan of collegiate athletics. Such a person is usually one that I discount in being able to have any level of intelligent collegiate athletics discussion with. And when I have my 11 year old or 14 year old son in the 'Shoe, and someone jackass starts to boo our Buckeyes, I am more than pleased to see my son look at said jackass and shake his head in disbelief/disgust.

The above is simply my opinion. And yes, it has been hard over the years to not boo scUM at times.
absolutely correct.BuckiProf. If we cannot show respect and sportsmanship to our own how low does that make us?
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Ooops, guess my response doesn't mean much now. :)

*OSUBucknut10*;1254989; said:
I thought they deserved it at halftime on Sat...... they were losing to Ohio! That being said, I was their to praise them significantly when they performed well in the fourth quarter.

They represent a school, and millions of people playing for OSU, they know that.

Are you not allowed express disdain with the Bush?

That's just my take on things

What you do at the game, and what happens at BuckeyePlanet are two different things. It's very simple really, and while I haven't read all your recent posts, I don't think you've been bashing the Bucks. Don't take the rest of what is written as anything other than a general message to all our membership.

Bashing of players, coaches, and staff is not tolerated at BP. If you have a criticism, then fine. Express it in the appropriate manner and all is good. The staff, coaches and players want to perform at their very best, want to win each game, want to be held in the highest regard more so than anyone else can know on a personal level. While they put it on the line in the weight room, on the field and in the classroom, we pass the time with various activities ... oblivious. While they suffer the sting of criticism first hand, the pain of film evaluation individually, the derision of national attention personally, we only know it from afar. Any shame or humiliation that have been shown them is personal ... not so for us. Make no mistake, they are putting it on the line ... we are not.

With all that in mind, at BuckeyePlanet, we WILL honor them, show pride in them, support them, to the very best of our ability. For you see, the commitment runs both directions. To the very best of their ability ... they supports us, their fans. They support their school and their community on and off the field. They give us pride in their accomplishments and actions. They bring us honor with their play on the field and their accomplishments off the field, now and well into the future.

We are tied together. We ARE a family. This IS more than football.

So the boos you hear at a game ... they reflect not only on our coaches and players and staff ... they reflect back on us. We are in this together. Good, bad, or indifferent ... it matters not. If they can give their best, how can we not honor that by returning in kind?
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BOOOOOOOOO....for winning a football game. Didn't we beat OU? You didn't pay 62 bucks to see Ohio State lose to OU...fine, and they didn't lose. But instead of seeing a blowout, you saw a good exciting game. OU played their hearts out...and that had to be fun to watch. I had to work during the game and didn't even get to see it...yet you go to the game, and then booooooo. Give me a break. If you want to boo the buckeyes...sell your tickets and boo at the TV.

They aren't kids though...they are young adults. And I have no problem booing college football players of opposing teams, although I understand why some do, and maybe I will feel the same when I am much older than these guys. BUT I DO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH BOOING THE TEAM YOU ARE THERE TO CHEER FOR! Although I would think it would be an awesome tradition to start for the Ohio State/Michigan game...to cheer both teams as they come out onto the field. But obviously that would be to hard to ever have happen.
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Ok, things I boo:

A cheap shot, e.g. Crabel on Troy or the Auburn double team on Dorsey

A blown call, like last year's non-fumble vs. Illinois, or the non-pass interference against Miami in the NC game.

Taking the air out of the ball.

Failing to run out a batted ball.

Charlie Weis, Steve what's his fucking name at SC. (the other SC)

The Bengals and Mike Brown

Jerks at TW who refused to give us BTN until Gene stomped their ass.
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*OSUBucknut10*;1254972; said:
I actually disagree with that. We fans of Ohio State have endured so much criticism from other idiots. Though our team has given us a lot to cheer about as well, they do kind of "Owe us." It's not hard for a Buckeye fan to stick by our team because that is what makes us a unique fan base. We have many die-hards.

That being said, a performance like Sat deserves some venting from fans. Heck they were sleep walking out there, and our fans didn't pay $62+ to see us almost lose to OU. They deserved a little booing..... not to be mean, to show them that we expect better and deserve better. I don't condone the idiot fans who start cheering for the other team, or rip individual players screaming how bad they suck. The idiot behind me Sat did just that. Like he could ever concieve of beeing good enough to start for OU let alone Ohio State. Fans like that need to wonder up north or something because we don't need them.

If I played for OSU and we were playing badly, I'd understand those boo's, and i'd use them as motivation for fixing it. When they do as they should, they get 105,000 plus cheering in a defning noise.

So I for one didn't disagree with giving the boys a little booing on Saturday... doesn't mean i'm not a fan or I don't appreciate them.


No one owes you shit, especially some amateur college kid....sorry.

I hate that mindset.
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Look at it this way...how do we look at scUM and N_tre _ame when they get booed at home? Don't give them that same satisfaction back.

These kids are amateur STUDENT/athletes. Yes, they are given a free education, but they are not paid professional athletes. Football is not their job. I find booing dispicable in Ohio Stadium...unless the booing is directed at the other team.
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