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Giovanni Strassini: A Football Fantasy

Fourth quarter
Ohio State: Giovanni Strassini, 8-yard Pass from Greene. Klaban converts.
UCLA: Wendell Tyler, 54-yard run. White converts.

http://library.kiwix.org/wikipedia_en_all_nopic/A/1976 Rose Bowl.html

Tight Ends
Ken MacAfee, Notre Dame (UPI, WC, AFCA, FWAA, CFN)
Giovanni Strassini, Ohio State (AP, NEA, TSN, FN)




Damn this dude implanted himself on every unknown website I can find. lol.
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HorseshoeFetish;2338889; said:

In his All American season at OSU, he was known as "The Super StrassOMatic '76."
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statement of facts-sourced

mi dispiace, i am sorry for the length, my hope is it sheds light in a very dark room, depends on who is digesting this=
I, am he. I will say some things that are truth and not the BS edited stuff I am reading here. Wikipedia users, started this, for me wanting to REMOVE my name, NOT add it.
Now, I Did NOT write any of the ?bios? and did NOT add anything to Wikipedia.
My claims of a court case in Charlotte, NC over ID theft are true.
I saw people wonder how that fit. Simple minds ask ludicrous questions. This whole site and its members, making the claims I am the person(s) that did anything criminal with a different name than mine, and saying it was me that did those things, is exactly why it is relevant. The Wikipedia people attempted to make the same wrongful conclusions into fact and print it- and why their parent company-Wikimedia- is involved now. This is my first post here, so sorry if it is going to be long, but there is so much wrongful crappola being spread all over this site and the net, it will be set right, I hope sooner than later.
Most members here ?pooh poohed? the net stuff about me as ?invalid? yet they used the same wrong sources to harm me, how wrong is that? Fruits from a poison tree, NOT admissible in real life, why here?
I was wrong in not setting what was put out there straight. I played along with that and was wrong there too. I see the claims of some kind of monetary gain, WRONG!! I played in many events at MY expense. Fraud and cons are for financial gain and someones loss. I defy anyone to prove that happened, they cannot because it just ain?t so.
?John? is a fraud name not me, and proven in court and to the police. Some members said-John is Giovanni in Italian and so it is me, lol. So is Juan, fact is I never used that name or any others. When I went to some banks, and they had that case you posted also, and attempted to claim it was me using an alias, I hired an attorney and beat them in court, proving what my true name is and that I never used an alias. ID theft proven here to be totally relevant. Unless you simply do not like the law and what is right. All the ?claims? I was that other person(s) is wrong and illegal by court standards. Double jeopardy violation- ring a bell?
One poster here, NYG21254246, posted a partial text and edited/shortened emails-Paul Sarpen. He never met me, though he called and texted me more than 200 times a month for over a year and that was why we had the falling out. He is like 5?8? and over 250 pounds. I felt sorry for him and we talked and that was it. He now says things that are all him putting what he did on me.. transference. He was an umpire, and nothing more. You guys treated him better than anyone that knows him in real life. Testament to how you latch onto anything that fuels your fire, lol. I called him ?Paulie? and after a year he said he did not like it. That is all it was. He got mad I made opposite pics from his and won on SFTC, on ESPN. Truth, and I have the emails and text records to prove that, but unnecessary for he found his glory on this site and claiming to know me, he NEVER met me, knows nothing or little of me.
Alwaysthere, not me. Yet I know of him from real life. I actually had some meetings at the police station and he came up. I never did anything for monetary gain and now they know that also. I went to charity functions, paid for by myself, and hospitals-burn units and cancer units, camps, and volunteered to make some childs life a little better. I have my life, I did not need to take from the innocents to make any more. Time was what it cost, nothing more.
Number 1- I did not set up any of the info or accounts on the net.
Number 2- I furthered them and used them and that is the wrong I did and did not stop them.
My name has only been only one all my life, a certified birth certificate, a sworn statement from the SSI, and driver?s license records proved me to not be the other names out there, with my last name or even different last name. I have never used an alias. I only have used 1 name my entire life. I have never been in any prison as claimed here. My address and phone numbers have been the same for over 9 years. Those companies you found? Not mine! Proven also, with the NC Secretary of Sate yet you used it wrongly and harmfully. On your site, whomever started it and runs it, furthering wrong, implies consent of use. I am well aware of that, lol.
This is a ?manifesto? as claimed here when that other guy posted his, but mine is straight form the source and not third and twentieth hand info.
I have been attacked with garbage, and now called by claimed ?free lance? reporters and asked for a statement, and I have not said a word. Plus I think their claim was untrue.
To say a bit more about the ?items? that have come into this, that ring, was gotten more than 30 years ago. The actual makers of the rings, destroy the template and never make a new one. Irreplaceable if lost or stolen. So, there are ?sanctioned? makers of the replicas, and only with authorization directly from the school can a new replica be made. You find out for yourselves the voracity of that statement.
I have actual pics from the times in question, with the actual players and coach Hayes. I have played in tournaments with them with no problems and no issues.
My claims, were never to bilk anyone, defraud anyone, swindle anyone, I never received any compensation other than gratification. So all those here that claimed that was the reason, are wrong again.
I will stand before anyone, and say I had altruistic motives, and not fraudulent ones, including God.
I did wrong in not stopping what was done already, and then carrying it further was wrong by myself, nothing more.
To act like you did anything great, is self aggrandizing which you claim is my crime. Hypocrites, lol. Wikipedia is at the crux here, and your site pushed it to this level with mainly false info. Whatever makes you happy I guess, but know more than 95% of what was claimed as true here and to the net sources with blog entries and such, is false and harmful.
To many of the wrongful and self righteous members here, I say wholeheartedly- vaffanculo!
I wish I could talk to someone with a reasonable mind and not set in their erroneous beliefs. I truly did not hide anything, the sources in place took a life of their own, I went along and helped it and did not stop it. I am sorry for that, and took down my things that helped it along. My name is now abused, and if the truth were the only thing abusing it, that would be my fault. But I went to court over the true name identity theft, and your members here finding me guilty again and using it to harm me, when I proved myself innocent of those ?events? is wrong in the same way I was, putting out false information for anyone to read. Set those records straight, if any honorable people are here. Up to you, I wish everyone the best and harbor no ill will for those wrongs, and really sorry this happened from my doings. Do your best and be positive always. I do live by that.
oh wayward sons, lol
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