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Official "Stop Saying That Phrase" Thread

Don't know if this word curses elsewhere but in Northern Cali they have a word that drives me friggin nuts, it's another reason I hate that part of the state, the word:


As in "that's hella cool" or "she's hella hot"

Anyone who says that word should make it a point to cut their tongue out.
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OCBucksFan;886860; said:
Don't know if this word curses elsewhere but in Northern Cali they have a word that drives me friggin nuts, it's another reason I hate that part of the state, the word:


As in "that's hella cool" or "she's hella hot"

Anyone who says that word should make it a point to cut their tongue out.

I didn't hear that crap until I moved down here to SoCal, hon....

Guys, please, stop "hugging it out" you are embarrassing yourselves. :biggrin:
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OCBuckWife;886863; said:
I didn't hear that crap until I moved down here to SoCal, hon....

Guys, please, stop "hugging it out" you are embarrassing yourselves. :biggrin:

No love for Ari Gould? I was on the Entourage bandwagon before it was cool I still get to use it!

any form of l33tsp34k I actually have to hear drives me batty. I swear to God if I have to hear lollerskates one more time I'm going to go on a shooting spree...
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souL;886872; said:
any form of l33tsp34k I actually have to hear drives me batty. I swear to God if I have to hear lollerskates one more time I'm going to go on a shooting spree...

ANYONE over the age of....max, 16 years old, that uses ANY FORM of "netspeak" in a verbal, person to person, conversation should be stabbed in the eyeS with a sharp stick. "oh em gee, my be eff eff just texted me from the bathroom, lawl!" TEXT NOW SUCKERS!
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"I'm going to go over this on a 'high level'."

Fucking high level? Thanks for keeping it basic for me since I'm a goddamn idiot. WHy can't you just say "Go over quickly" or briefly? I want to punch people who say that in the face because, for some reason, they think it sounds cool or professional.

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OCBuckWife;886819; said:

1. in your mouth
2. on your floor/dog/girlfriend/back/shoes/car/grandmother's back
3. in a cup for a drunk marine to drink out of

Oh, the places you'll spew! There is fun to be done!
There are points to be scored. there are games to be won.

You can't prove shit, missy. That was a blackout weekend for everybody
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Oh no you dittent

Collaboration - or any other Microsoft invented word

On a sidenote, if you want to get incredibly drunk whilst listening to Buckeye football on the radio may I suggest a cool drinking game that we enjoy. We call it "Step Up" and get drunk.

You see our own Jim Lachey has an issue with that particular phrase and uses it on nearly every possession at least once. Here is the gist of it.
Every time Lachey, says Step Up you drink 1/2 a beer
If anyone besides Lachey says it you drink an entire beer or do a shot
If he goes for it all, and breaks out the "Step up, and make a play" (this happens often in close games) you pound an entire beer.
Once you start listening for it, you will be shocked at how many times he says someone needs to step up, or this guy needs to step up.

As one of my favorite brewers Samuel Jackson would say "It'll get ya drunk Bitch"
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Any and all new variations of the word "hate".

Don't be hatin'.
They just hatin'.
Don't be a hater.
You're just a Vick-hater.

If there is a way to make yourself sound more idiotic, I'm not sure what it is.
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