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Penn State Cult (Joe Knew)

Tlangs;2364584; said:
I know, I know its on espn but it is still hilarious. From the B1G Mailbag:


Kevin from Fairfax writes: Brian, you missed the most obvious Heisman sleeper in the Big Ten: Akeel Lynch if he can get on the field early enough. Penn State has the best line in the Big Ten (and maybe the nation) blocking for its running backs, the Nittany Lions have the best collection of skill position players in the league pulling defenders off the line of scrimmage (No PSU back will see a seven or eight man front this year except for in short yardage situations) and the best offensive coaching in the nation.

This has to be a a guy trolling to make their fanbase look stupid, right? :)

Cults, man. :shake: :so:
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Kevin from Fairfax said:
Brian, you missed the most obvious Heisman sleeper in the Big Ten: Akeel Lynch if he can get on the field early enough. Penn State has the best line in the Big Ten (and maybe the nation) blocking for its running backs, the Nittany Lions have the best collection of skill position players in the league pulling defenders off the line of scrimmage (No PSU back will see a seven or eight man front this year except for in short yardage situations) and the best offensive coaching in the nation.

Brian Bennett said:
Eh, sorry, I don't see it.

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Kevin from Fairfax;2364595; said:
Brian, you missed the most obvious Heisman sleeper in the Big Ten: Akeel Lynch if he can get on the field early enough. Penn State has the best line in the Big Ten (and maybe the nation) blocking for its running backs, the Nittany Lions have the best collection of skill position players in the league pulling defenders off the line of scrimmage (No PSU back will see a seven or eight man front this year except for in short yardage situations) and the best offensive coaching in the nation.

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Tlangs;2364584; said:
I know, I know its on espn but it is still hilarious. From the B1G Mailbag:


Kevin from Fairfax writes: Brian, you missed the most obvious Heisman sleeper in the Big Ten: Akeel Lynch if he can get on the field early enough. Penn State has the best line in the Big Ten (and maybe the nation) blocking for its running backs, the Nittany Lions have the best collection of skill position players in the league pulling defenders off the line of scrimmage (No PSU back will see a seven or eight man front this year except for in short yardage situations) and the best offensive coaching in the nation.

This has to be a a guy trolling to make their fanbase look stupid, right? :)

I think this is my new response to pretty much anything in this thread...
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Tlangs;2364584; said:
Kevin from Fairfax writes: Brian, you missed the most obvious Heisman sleeper in the Big Ten: Akeel Lynch if he can get on the field early enough. Penn State has the best line in the Big Ten (and maybe the nation) blocking for its running backs, the Nittany Lions have the best collection of skill position players in the league pulling defenders off the line of scrimmage (No PSU back will see a seven or eight man front this year except for in short yardage situations) and the best offensive coaching in the nation.
Looks to me like ThaKid found a new team to root for.
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Anyone know who John Bacon is, or what his ties to PedSU are?



USC denies Snoop/Redd limo recruiting story
Posted by John Taylor on August 21, 2013, 8:19 AM EDT
Snoop AP

It sounded too good to be true and, in the end, it was.

In John Bacon‘s new book “Fourth and Long: The Fight for the Soul of College Football,” which recounts the post-sanction time at Penn State, it was written that USC head coach Lane Kiffin called in a favor during the recruitment of Silas Redd. Specifically, the book states, Kiffin had rapper Snoop Dogg/Lion meet Redd at the airport in a limo as part of the recruiting pitch.

The author goes on to state that “[f]rom the private jet to the favor called in with Snoop Dogg, Kiffin pulled out all the stops to score a late-summer roster coup.” The only problem? It never happened according to all the parties involved.

“I’ve never met Snoop Dogg in my life, much less been in his limo,” Redd said. “Coach Kiffin picked me up from the airport. The person who wrote that has no credibility whatsoever.”

Yeah, that's about right. Is Bacon running for BoT?
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ORD_Buckeye;2364989; said:
Great. I can only guess who the "villian program" will be in that new book he's pimping.

I saw an interview yesterday where I believe he said Urban/coaching is the focus. I think Northwestern was in all around university. scUM was the AD focus of the book. And PSU was the football portion of the book.
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HorseshoeFetish;2365022; said:
I saw an interview yesterday where I believe he said Urban/coaching is the focus. I think Northwestern was in all around university. scUM was the AD focus of the book. And PSU was the football portion of the book.

Let's hope so, because I'm not above calling in some hard, pipe-hittin' n****s to go to work on the Homes with a blowtorch and a pair of pliers. YOU HEAR ME, WOLVERINE-BOY!

And that's if Wexner's ex-Mossad security don't get to him first.
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Penn State?s revenue from licensed merchandise down $700,000 in a year
The amount of money Penn State received in royalties from its licensed merchandise is down more than $700,000 from last year and almost a $1 million from the peak level two years ago.

The university released the figures Monday in response to a request last week after the Collegiate Licensing Co. issued its annual rankings that showed Penn State had fallen from No. 12 to No. 19 on its list of top royalty-earning universities. The ranking didn?t include the dollar amounts.

From July 1, 2012, to June 30, Penn State earned $3,120,992, and the year before, the university saw $3,857,605.

Penn State?s peak numbers were for fiscal year 2010-11, when the university had almost $4.1 million in royalty revenues. That was the year the Penn State football team finished the regular season 7-5 and lost to Florida in the Outback Bowl, 37-24.
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