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QB Troy Smith (2006 Heisman Trophy Winner)

What would I have done?

I would boot the kid... because that would be on my personal "Don't ever freaking do that list" along with gambling on anything, drug use and felony convictions. But, I'm not the coach, so I don't get to make the list.

What should Tressel do? He should follow the policy that was already established. I don't like the policy... but I do think it should be followed. Period.

Thus, if the policy were to lose my job for wearing jeans to work, then I should lose my job. If the Policy is that I get sent home for the day without pay, I shouldn't get fired.

My point is not that I don't think Smith doesn't deserve to get booted... what I am saying is that if the Athletic Department policy is to give him a two game suspension, then that's what needs to happen.... and at the end of the suspension (and its tougher because its during spring, etc, I realize) then its over.... you bench him longer because you don't like the kid, then that's essentially violating your "policy again... if the best players play.
Perhaps AKAK is better at explaining than I am...but this is exactly my point. The Ohio State University does not have a policy (that I am aware of) over and above the NCAA guidelines set into place for an incident such as this. Therefore, any "extra" punishment, IMO, is extremely unfair, and sets a terrible precedent - which will not sit well with other players and potential recruits. JT should do exactly what he is doing. And when TS is done with the suspension, it's up to him to earn back the starting job - if he can.
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FKAGobucks877 said:
Perhaps AKAK is better at explaining than I am...but this is exactly my point. The Ohio State University does not have a policy (that I am aware of) over and above the NCAA guidelines set into place for an incident such as this. Therefore, any "extra" punishment, IMO, is extremely unfair, and sets a terrible precedent - which will not sit well with other players and potential recruits. JT should do exactly what he is doing. And when TS is done with the suspension, it's up to him to earn back the starting job - if he can.

I agree entirely with AKAK and FKA! However, I think it would be wise for Ohio State to set a higher standard with stiffer penalties in the future, once all of this dies down. This would then make a statement to our athletes and encourage them to abide by the rules. More importantly, it would take away the lingering notion that we somehow are a slimy university, such as I think will be left when many of these "wonderful sports journalists" have had their run.
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We all have our value systems and standards concerning moral norms and mores that come into play when issues such as this arise.

We should keep in mind the FACT that JT and TS are not in a vacuum. They are not static. I would believe that JT and Ted Ginn Sr. are being the GREAT influence on TS that he needs right now- we do not know how that is playing out right now do we?

If JT has the same feelings about the name of tOSU being besmirched as most here do, then I suppose I trust him to lay the law down to TS, move on and let the chips fall as they may for PT between him a JZ...some here are not TS fans and want to make this into a desperate moral issue, (it is a moral issue) but we have not spoken to Troy or Jim T. and asked them whywhat? have we? I think the circumstances of the violation warrant the punishment- and if TS remains at the low end of the totem, it is his fault entirely.
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Perhaps AKAK is better at explaining than I am...

Well... I think we all knew that. :wink2:

'68 Flask makes a good point that I had meant to address in addition to Mili's comment that the "punishment doesn't end at suspension"

We have no idea... and may never have an idea... of what else is going into this... JT isn't going to just Kick Troy to the Curb... (And that's partly why he's better for the job than me... because I would have.. but you also have to realize that I respect Tressel a lot for having the courage to take risks that I would never take). Anyway, Troy is going to "feel it" before this is all over, and he other thing is that the whole team is working hard to win, and JT knows they deserve to have the best QB in there with them, whoever that's going to be.

On the Zwick/Smith/Boeckman/Whoever debate, please don't let that preference cloud this issue. Saw31 and I got in a nice brawl over the suspension legnth a while back because, in part, I think he suspected that my motivation was get TS back on the field in time for the Texas game... that's not the case at all, and that shouldn't be even in the back of anyone's mind... from a football perspective we need to have everyone ready to go whoever is starting, and get that damned running gaem going, so it takes a bit of the heat off whoever the QB is. :)
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Saw31 and I got in a nice brawl over the suspension legnth a while back because, in part, I think he suspected that my motivation was get TS back on the field in time for the Texas game... that's not the case at all, and that shouldn't be even in the back of anyone's mind... from a football perspective we need to have everyone ready to go whoever is starting, and get that damned running gaem going, so it takes a bit of the heat off whoever the QB is. :)
You had to bring me into this, didn't you??!! :biggrin:

Just a small misunderstanding on my part and as was predicted by FKA, my position has moderated over time, especially after finding out our 'ole friend MoC was behind some of it.....go figure. :biggrin:
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Saw31 said:
You had to bring me into this, didn't you??!! :biggrin:

Just a small misunderstanding on my part and as was predicted by FKA, my position has moderated over time, especially after finding out our 'ole friend MoC was behind some of it.....go figure. :biggrin:

Its all good bro, I was just using that as an example if why we should leave QB preference at the door on this topic.
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Its all good bro, I was just using that as an example if why we should leave QB preference at the door on this topic.
I agree. I've never had a preference per se. Whoever gets on the field will have my support and if that is TS, I'll be behind him as well. After finding out why he took the money, "life is stranger than fiction" is the very first thing that came to mind. At the time of our "brawl", I could have never thought of a situation that would have mitigated this case in my mind. I truly thought it was that bad. It just goes to show, you don't know what you don't know.
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Article: Smith’s high-school coach offers support

From today's Columbus Dispatch:

Smith’s high-school coach offers support
Ginn: Misunderstanding led to QB’s suspension
Monday, February 21, 2005
Ken Gordon

Troy Smith’s high-school coach says the incident that led to the Ohio State quarterback’s suspension was a misunderstanding and not an intentional violation of NCAA rules.

Ted Ginn Sr., of Cleveland Glenville, said he believes Smith took money from booster Robert Q. Baker last spring with the understanding that Poly-Care Services, Baker’s former company, would employ Smith.

The money, then, was some sort of advance payment for a job.

"No question that was it," Ginn said, "but then (Baker) never called him. (Smith) didn’t really do anything wrong, in his eyes. The situation just happened."

Smith will have the chance to explain everything himself when he meets with the media Tuesday morning. It will be his first public comment since Dec. 20, when he released a statement after OSU announced his suspension from the Alamo Bowl.

OSU athletics director Andy Geiger said Smith also will have to sit out the Buckeyes’ Sept. 3 opener against Miami University.

Geiger said Smith still has to repay the money to regain his eligibility for the Sept. 10 game against Texas.

Smith has been working out with teammates for several weeks. Word is he already has apologized to them.

"From what I’ve heard, he wants to make sure that his teammates understand what he feels and just basically say, ‘I made a mistake and I’ve learned from it,’ " said senior defensive end Simon Fraser, who is not working out with his ex-teammates but has talked with some. "I think there’s already been a ‘forgive and let’s go on,’ you know?"

Ginn said Smith took the suspension hard at first, but perked up once he realized that his coaches and teammates were still supportive.

"Nobody was mad at him," Ginn said, "he was more mad at himself."

The other pressing issue is what Smith’s suspension means to OSU’s quarterback competition. Smith clearly had wrested the job away from Justin Zwick before the incident.

Zwick started the Alamo Bowl and directed a 33-7 victory over Oklahoma State despite suffering a hamstring injury.

When Smith was suspended, coach Jim Tressel said Smith told him he understood he would start out at the bottom of the totem pole when he returned.

But Ginn said he doesn’t think Smith really believes he’s third-string.

"I think he needs to work hard to get back up there," Ginn said, "but I think he said that to put pressure on himself. I’m quite sure everybody on the team wants to win and wants everyone to get a fair shake.

"I don’t think (Smith) is such a bad guy that that will be a problem."
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This was a clearly a mistake made by Smith and he will learn from it, but I don't really believe Coach Ginn's story. I think he is backing his guy which I admire...but I have a hard time believing that Troy went to Poly Care offices and took an envelope of cashm expecting that it was an advance for a job that he would have in the future.

That being said, he made a mistake, has acknowledged it, and hopefully will make restitution and move on.
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"but I have a hard time believing that Troy went to Poly Care offices and took an envelope of cashm expecting that it was an advance for a job that he would have in the future.

Amen, hearing junk like that really irritates me. How many of us got a cash advance on our job. If we did, wouldn't it be in a form of a check or something that is traceable. Personal opinion... I think it is a lot better had he just said it was a mistake and will never happend again then to come up with this story.

On the flip side he could have been nieve enough to think that employeers hand out cash all the time, but then if he thougth he was getting this for a work pay advancement.... shouldn't a reg flag gone up when he was never asked to work. Another flag should have gone up and he should have returned the money himself. I hope I am wrong but too many bad decisions to say that it was a complete misunderstanding.
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Where's the story that said Smith & Pittman went to Poly-Care to get a job, Smith told the guy he needed the money bad to pay off the phone, the guy slipped him the envelope, and when Smith asked what he would have to do, the guy said "Don't worry about it" then offered Pittman cash too but he declined? That was in a story that came out a few days ago... I remember reading it but can't find the article.

I was surprised to see that he has to pay back the money in order to be eligible for the Texas game. I guess that was a given, that he would have to pay it back, but I didn't realize his return to eligibility hinged on it.
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Well I don't really know which would've been better for Troy, but the whole poly care thing sounds like something that this schools' been having problems with (boosters). So it wouldn't really surprise me? on the other hand I hope he's not lie'n, cuz that'd just make it harder on him. Either way I hope Troy gets a fare shake, but he's gata know Zwick is the starting QB until he pretty much screws up.
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