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Uniforms (Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, etc....)

I first remember noticing it:


way back then.
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I'm all for cancer awareness and efforts to fight cancer...but does all this actually lead to anything positive or is it just PR for the school/NFL? If they wanted to fight cancer wouldn't all the money spent on pink uniforms, pink gloves, pink cleats, pink towels, pink goalpost pads, pink flags, pink hats, pink socks, etc be better spent on cancer research? Is anyone not aware of breast cancer at this point and think in the middle of an NFL game "hey, they're wearing pink, I should donate to cancer research"?
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I'm all for cancer awareness and efforts to fight cancer...but does all this actually lead to anything positive or is it just PR for the school/NFL? If they wanted to fight cancer wouldn't all the money spent on pink uniforms, pink gloves, pink cleats, pink towels, pink goalpost pads, pink flags, pink hats, pink socks, etc be better spent on cancer research? Is anyone not aware of breast cancer at this point and think in the middle of an NFL game "hey, they're wearing pink, I should donate to cancer research"?
Yeah at this point i think awareness is at an all time high. I'm all for raising money for worthy causes, but there's a point where it becomes overkill if it's not raising money. It would also be nice to see football embrace other causes. Maybe prostate cancer or something
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I think that's the case, but I've also read that the NFL actually only donates about 5% of the proceeds to Cancer Research (looking for the link...)
If it's anything less than 100%, it's a motherpumpkin sham.

That's all I'm saying. I'm all for funding research for any serious cause, but when a large portion of proceeds aren't going to research or the cause itself, I'd rather not participate. I'm not trying to make light of breast cancer, but at this point, who's watching an NFL game that isn't aware it exists?

The school my nephew attends sold hoodies with the school logo in pink. Found out something like 10% of profits were actually going to research. At that point, they were playing on people's sympathy for breast cancer victims to fundraise for the school. Funk that and funk them in their iceholes.
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I still think they should change the slogan to "SAVE THE BOOBIES". Show some Ta Ta's men are genetically programmed to give money when we see boobs. The NFL and America in general dedicate a month to boobs with cancer, but flip out when one is shown in a football game, that's the sham. Don't hide behind "the kids" either, most have fond memories of boobs that last a lifetime.
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