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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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seriously?--comparing what?

---the greatest pressure player in OSU history
---a junior quarterback with have a dozen starts and one great game
---a junior quarterback who lost his job his sophmore year and started game 1

-Kranzel to Jenkins, on fourth and one! Holy Buckeye!
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This team is so good it doesn't matter...you can put anybody at QB and we win this game. I'd pick Krenzel though, just because i'd love to see him play ONE MORE GAME. I miss CK. Thanks for the memories!
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"Historically, there are eighty bowl game appearances, ten national championships, fifty-five conference titles and eight Heisman Trophies between the two schools."

By my count OSU accounts for 36 of 80 bowl appearances (45%), 7 of 10 national championships (70%), 31 of 55 conference titles (56.36%), and 6 of 8 heisman trophies (75%). Are we even yet? Not quite yet.

"If the Buckeyes can get any push up front from Quinn Pitcock, it could make Vince Young breakdown and look to scramble sooner he wants."

Ha ha, he said 'sooner'. Burn!

"...last Saturday. Starting kicker Richmond McGee was four of seven on extra points, having two blocked. Don't excuse those two blocks, however, as the kicks were so low they probably would not have cleared the goal posts anyway."

4 of 7 on extra points? I'm thinking Josh Huston (this is not Mike Nugent, mind you) will put 4 of every 7 kickoffs deep into the endzone. And these will not be returned. I'm betting the house on the extra points.

"The Texas secondary seems very confident going into this game, citing their experience defending Roy Williams. That's fine if you choose to believe that. I can believe I can take a kick from a donkey in the gut, but I don't think I can take three or four of them all at once."

Can you say Cedric Griffin? Or you can you say who?? I knew you could! Tell Ced we've got more than one guy UT needs to worry about, and then when you see his head spinning, instead of asking him what the problem is, just grab him a bucket...or two...

"We haven't seen how he does when the pressure is on him like a t-shirt on a fat man in the deep end of the pool."

Now, that is just not the image I was hoping for before going to bed...and I don't care who you are...that's just not funny!!

"Against Joel Armstrong (yes, THAT Joel Armstrong) and Rice, they gave up 172 yards rushing."

Rice?? Rice?? Wait, let me look again...Rice??

Game on fellas!! Wow, I remember looking at the 2002 recruiting classes as they were being assembled, and UT ending up #1 and OSU ending up #2. Just knowing then that this game was already on the schedule, and wondering just how big it would be at that time, got my hair standing up. And to think all this time has passed and the game is even bigger than I had imagined. No one saw USC sitting where they are at that time, and the winner of this game is not going to be #1. However, the winner of this game will be #2, with a bullet. And to sum it all up, we are merely hours away from kickoff. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Bucks!!!!
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SWOhioBuckeye said:
Maybe we should push for everyone to bring a Pigskin brown shirt to the game and wear it when we punt and when Texas has the ball.


I like the idea, waves of brown blankets that everybody held up might work better. It would be sweet if everyone in the upper deck camoflaged the ball with a sea of brown when the ball is up in the air after a punt/throw. Try and catch the ball now!!!
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Chalumpa said:
But Texas... Fight!!! is probably the only chant you'd have the slightest chance of hearing and I imagine it could only make an appearance if the shoe was half full and our two sections on opposite ends of the stadium were given complete silence.

Uh, er, well, we'll get back to you on that, okay?:wink2:
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He will no doubt be there watching. And this time, he need not worry about brushing the tears out of his own eyes.

Woody, we remember! They attacked us, they smeared our name, they told lies about us but Ohio State football lives! Not as a memory but as a tradition that lives in each one of us. They fear us once again.

It's long overdue. This one is for you!
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texas should expect is to be hit harder then they have ever been hit, from 15:00 in the first quarter until 0:01 in the last quarter.

in the paper this morning they had something about how harris, the texas MLB is jealous of all the talk of our linebackers.
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How many of you guys are sitting here in front of the computer trying to think of reasons to call in? I can't stand this, but if I don't go in it will make the whole day last twice as long. This day is going to drag ass either way, at least tomorrow there will be football on all day to appease me. :ohwell:
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Thanks to the Texas Fans

I know Grad and others have tossed in some thanks to the Texas posters on here before, but I wanted to start a thread on it. I want to thank all the level-headed Texas fans who became members on here and have shared their thoughtful insight with us.

You all have added a lot of value to this place over the past year. Although I haven't been as active as say JWins or HighLonesome in the Texas game thread, I have read it all and really like what I see. I see, for the most part, open-minded debate and even some camaraderie between the two different teams.

Tomorrow will be remembered as a momentous day where two for college football's finest programs will meet on the field for the first time in either school's history. Although by the numbers Texas would have the advantage at the lines and QB positions and Ohio State at the LB's and WR's, either team has the ability walk away with a W. It will truly be a day to remember.

I want to ask all the Texas fans on here, regardless of the outcome of the game, to please consider sticking around for another year. With another meeting next year along with one game under our belts, I'm sure much more debate will spark over the outcome of tomorrow, at least a years worth.

Anyways, to keep this brief, I just want to say thanks again, and may the best team win tomorrow. Thanks again Texas fans for everything this year and once again I urge you all to stick around on here!
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