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How do you stand on immunizations/vaccinations?

  • For.

    Votes: 50 84.7%
  • Against.

    Votes: 3 5.1%
  • Indifferent/Other.

    Votes: 6 10.2%

  • Total voters
Bucky Katt;1115225; said:
Have you considered merely delaying the vaccinations until the child is older and (presumably) it's immune system is stronger?

Yes. We have considered that possibility. Yet, I'm not sure that we've really decided to entertain it any further. Should the time arise to do so; then it will be a discussion of much importance.

BK said:
My sister is against immunizations for a lot of the same reasons you've listed, especially when she was unable to breastfeed. Almost every doctor she went to chastised her for it and she eventually relented, having the vaccines administered at a somewhat later age than normal.

We, too, were badgered quite heavily while living in NC with our daughter. Our new pediatrician for my son knows of our decision, knows that we are aware of the risks, and is fine with it.
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I'm bothered.

I'm bothered by people who criticize Muffler for trying to make the best choices possible regarding HIS children. In the end He and his wife are the only people qualified to make the decisions that affect the health and well-being of them.

I'm sick and tired of people telling other people how they should parent their children when they have none of the responsibility. This is where we get laws that say the parent has to have a bachelor's degree to home school child. It is not the governments job to ensure my children have an education just that one is available.

Argue with his reasoning, fine, but to call him abusive crosses a line. This is officially the most offended I've ever been on this site.

FWIW, my 2 children have had vaccinations, if we have a 3rd my wife has already wanted to discuss the possibility of not vaccinating the child.
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t_BuckeyeScott;1115587; said:
I'm bothered.

I'm bothered by people who criticize Muffler for trying to make the best choices possible regarding HIS children. In the end He and his wife are the only people qualified to make the decisions that affect the health and well-being of them.

I'm sick and tired of people telling other people how they should parent their children when they have none of the responsibility. This is where we get laws that say the parent has to have a bachelor's degree to home school child. It is not the governments job to ensure my children have an education just that one is available.

Argue with his reasoning, fine, but to call him abusive crosses a line. This is officially the most offended I've ever been on this site.

FWIW, my 2 children have had vaccinations, if we have a 3rd my wife has already wanted to discuss the possibility of not vaccinating the child.

I'm bothered that people are clueless enough to believe in shoddy and anecdotal evidence. I'm bothered that people can be clueless enough to believe that the question of whether vaccinations are beneficial is even debatable. It would be similar to a tobacco executive saying "Well, cigarettes have yet to be proven..." But, I agree, it's their choice.
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Brewtus;1115201; said:
Very well. Obviously you've done your homework and I didn't mean to imply otherwise. But if your infant son had Breast Milk Jaundice, he didn't need to stop breastfeeding (obviously other factors may have been involved that I'm not aware of). But I do know a bit about elevated bilirubin levels as I have Gilbert's syndrome.

actually he hasn't done any homework. Reading crappy evidence that you find on the internet, does't make you informed. It makes you clueless.

Not getting immunizations makes as much sense as not wearing a seat belt because you read that somebody was once trapped in a burning car and died. Same level of shoddy thinking and "research."
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Thump;1116477; said:

When your overly-sheltered, home-schooled kids get sick, don't come on here whining about it.

Yeah. Like if they're home schooled and all innocent and later join mainstream schooling and meet up with some anal loving deviant teacher they'd have no defenses against...? :paranoid:
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tibor75;1116472; said:
actually he hasn't done any homework. Reading crappy evidence that you find on the internet, does't make you informed. It makes you clueless.

Such a dipshit always.

As a chemist, I KNOW (and have produced links for) many of the chemicals that are used as carrier agents for vaccinations. That's not internet based knowledge.

I think you've got a herd to go join, sheep; and never give up on that dream of being able to make it through life without utilizing brain cells.

tib said:
Not getting immunizations makes as much sense as not wearing a seat belt because you read that somebody was once trapped in a burning car and died. Same level of shoddy thinking and "research."

Red herring.

Here's a link for future study, it would prove fruitful IF you were able to comprehend the words and definitions:

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Thump;1116477; said:

When your overly-sheltered, home-schooled kids get sick, don't come on here whining about it.

And just what makes you think my children are sheltered? What makes you think my daughter has never been ill?

Try to make an argument instead of a tibor-like fallacy. Non sequiturs are rather vacuous.
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muffler dragon;1116505; said:
Such a dipshit always.

As a chemist, I KNOW (and have produced links for) many of the chemicals that are used as carrier agents for vaccinations. That's not internet based knowledge.

I think you've got a herd to go join, sheep; and never give up on that dream of being able to make it through life without utilizing brain cells.

Red herring.

Here's a link for future study, it would prove fruitful IF you were able to comprehend the words and definitions:


I'm amazed that thus far you have quoted ZERO studies that support your "theories" Then again, internet based theories usually don't have anything intelligent to back them up. Kind of like saying that Mousad was responsible for 9/11.

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tibor75;1116511; said:
I'm amazed that thus far you have quoted ZERO studies that support your "theories" Then again, internet based theories usually don't have anything intelligent to back them up. Kind of like saying that Mousad was responsible for 9/11.


I don't need to provide a "study" to show that carrier agents for vaccinations are dangerous to a person's health. Comprende? I have access to MSDS for the chemicals that are in my industry that are also in vaccinations. I'm well aware of what they can do to a person.

Your argument is a strawman. Once again, reference that list before you attempt to make a point. You'll find that 99% of what you post is meaningless pontification.
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muffler dragon;1116512; said:
I don't need to provide a "study" to show that carrier agents for vaccinations are dangerous to a person's health. Comprende? I have access to MSDS for the chemicals that are in my industry that are also in vaccinations. I'm well aware of what they can do to a person.

Not piling on Muff - rat shit is not good for you either, but the government allows a certain amount of it in your snickers bar.

LD50 or trace amounts do make a difference despite the harmful nature of a substance.
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Gatorubet;1116513; said:
Not piling on Muff - rat shit is not good for you either, but the government allows a certain amount of it in your snickers bar.

LD50 or trace amounts do make a difference despite the harmful nature of a substance.

Quite true. However, the "trace" amounts that are in a number of products do not necessarily equate to there being "trace" amounts in vaccinations. Furthermore, sustenance is a necessity; vaccinations are not.

Question for you, Gator: have you ever seen an ingredient list on a vaccination?
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muffler dragon;1116516; said:
Quite true. However, the "trace" amounts that are in a number of products do not necessarily equate to there being "trace" amounts in vaccinations. Furthermore, sustenance is a necessity; vaccinations are not.

Question for you, Gator: have you ever seen an ingredient list on a vaccination?

Yep. Ever seen the shit in a diet coke?:biggrin:
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