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buckeyemania11;1739298; said:
game winning prayer against Bama cheeser

dude would just literally run straight back with Mcelroy, turn around and toss it up to Julio Jones and he would catch it every freakin time, i was able to sack him like 4 times but most of the time he would get it off right before my defender would get to him

I was up 21-14 and I was at the 1 yardline and Saine fumbled into the end zone and he recovered and went to score

I get the ball back with like 10 seconds left and.....

NCAA Football 11 Video | EA SPORTS

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WolverineMike;1739334; said:
LOL. come on, i'm playing on all american. seriously though, their RB shouldn't just truck every person. It's a little silly.
The line play along with speed and agility of the skill players is where the dominance should come from. But, since EA still hasn't quite figured out how to make offensive lines live up to their ratings, we'll just have to deal with skill players rag dolling our defenders so RBs on very good teams can rack up a bunch of yards against shitty teams. Results are the same, but the manner in which those results are achieved still pisses me off more often than not.
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how do you know who i'm even playing with?
WolverineMike;1737185; said:
I don't know how I feel about using osu's playbook with Michigan. Some sort of space time continueum could explode........LOL
WolverineMike;1733265; said:
It's a challenge for me on AA. I'm 2-1 in my dynasty right now with UM.
just an assumption
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BuckeyeMac;1739472; said:
Just a heads up...Patch #2 announcement (no details yet)


That link is broke for me (even without the 2 https), but here's a summary that I've found:

More details on the client update to come, but here are three of the big ones we've solved:
-- RANDOM PLAY ACTION CRAZINESS - Sure it looks funny, but annoying as heck when it costs you a drive or a game. We're sorry we missed this one as well and apologize for the issue.

-- SEASON SHOWDOWN STATS REPORTING - The season showdown warning is harmless right now and this issue and related lobby problems ultimately get fixed with the update.

-- UNIFORMS THAT NEVER NEED WASHING - This is one of the more painful ones for us given all the work on visuals this year. The game actually does degrade uniforms; unfortunately we broke something in a final build that made the impact way too subtle. Consider this one solved with the update. And we want you to know that we've really been enjoying the great "Art of NCAA Football" threads. It's clear we have some incredible photographic talent in our community! So I expect things will go next-level when the update rolls out. For example, this shot comes straight out of the updated game:
Thank You! : NCAA Football 11 News : EA SPORTS
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I rented NCAA11 to see if it was worth the hype before I dished out the dough to add another permanently flawed EA sports game to my cabinet and after further review, I'm going to wait for NCAA12.

Don't get me wrong, 11 is a HUGE step in the right direction from EA's usual crap...but just like any major software upgrade, I'm going to wait for the second installment before taking the plunge.
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