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Nebraska Cornhuskers (corn)


Statement on Behalf of the University of Nebraska
Courtesy NU Media Relations
Wed, December 17, 2014
The University of Nebraska is in receipt of what appears to be a transcript of remarks delivered by former football coach Bo Pelini. These remarks to student-athletes were allegedly made during a non-official team meeting at a local high school, held two days after his termination. At this time, the University cannot authenticate the transcript nor do we have an audio version of the remarks.

If these comments were, indeed, spoken by Mr. Pelini, we are extremely disappointed, but it only reaffirms the decision that he should no longer be a leader of young men at Nebraska. His habitual use of inappropriate language, and his personal and professional attacks on administrators, are antithetical to the values of our university. His behavior is consistent with a pattern of unprofessional, disrespectful behavior directed by Mr. Pelini toward the passionate fans of Nebraska, employees of the university and, most concerning, our student-athletes. This behavior is not tolerated at the University of Nebraska and, among many other concerns, played a role in his dismissal.

Any assertions that the campus or athletics administration was not supportive of our student-athletes and our football program are flat-out false and are contradicted by the facts.

We are grateful that the new leadership in our football program is aligned with our values and will establish that you can be successful at Nebraska and that you can do it with integrity and class.
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Answering those bullet points:

Riley will have a honeymoon period (much like Bo, much like Callahan), but Nebraskans have a difficult time overcoming the mental barrier of nine wins per season. Most know it's a relic of a bygone era, but it holds weight regardless. If Riley fails to win nine games next year the honeymoon will officially be over. So "lowered expectations" may not be too far off, but that will only last as long as the first blowout loss, or the first bad season. He misses a bowl game and he's on the hot seat, period.

The Walk-On program's biggest benefit to Nebraska was the total buy-in these players brought to the table. While they weren't always top-quality athletes, because they were playing for Nebraska back when Nebraska was a living legend, they busted their ass every down, every practice, every lifting session. These guys helped instill the work ethic in out-of-state recruits, helped them buy in to the program, the culture, everything. Those kids are less likely to come to Nebraska for a couple of reasons: 1) Nebraska hasn't won a Conference Championship since the kids who would be walking on were in diapers. The mystique isn't what it was when Devaney and Osborne had the team winning meaningful games for two straight generations. 2) The 85-scholarship limit means it's far less likely that these hard-working players will eventually be able to earn a scholarship. They're also far more likely to be offered scholarships by area schools like North Dakota State or even Kansas or Iowa State. As college becomes more expensive, these kids are less likely to come to Nebraska. So rebuilding the Walk-On program would be a good thing, but it likely will never be the same as it was.

Bo is an angry guy. He is not a leader, and should not be a leader of young men. His "bunker mentality" (which he talked about in his latest taped rant) is detrimental to the team, and has helped drive a wedge between the players and everyone else not inside that locker room. There were numerous angry tweets by the players directed at the Administration, the fans, the media, everyone. That clearly comes from Bo, and it is not healthy. It is not a reality at Nebraska - we have some of the most loyal, die-hard fans in the country. Instilling that mentality into his program, by itself, was grounds for termination. Maybe Tressel can mentor Bo, maybe Bo can rehab his image and get back into D1A coaching. I don't see that as likely, though. A lot of PR work he put in over the last year was completely wasted by this latest revelation, and redoubling his efforts to overcome that is not something Bo has shown the willingness or ability to do.

Riley... I have no idea what he's going to do here. There are arguments to be made that he did turn chicken [Mark May] into chicken salad in Corvallis, but who knows if that's actually true, or will translate to Nebraska & the Big Ten? I'm taking a wait-and-see approach. Certainly he comes with glowing praise by an overwhelming number of press and other coaches, and that's reassuring, but that won't mean anything when we kick off next year.

One of the most odd things about this season: I was at the Miami game. It was an electric atmosphere, Bo had his players pumped and more prepared than Al Golden's players, and if you would have asked after that game which coach would be fired at the end of the season the overwhelming majority would have chosen Golden. But Golden will be on the sidelines in Miami next year, and Bo won't. All things considered, I'd say that benefits Nebraska.
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Answering those bullet points:

Riley will have a honeymoon period (much like Bo, much like Callahan), but Nebraskans have a difficult time overcoming the mental barrier of nine wins per season. Most know it's a relic of a bygone era, but it holds weight regardless. If Riley fails to win nine games next year the honeymoon will officially be over. So "lowered expectations" may not be too far off, but that will only last as long as the first blowout loss, or the first bad season. He misses a bowl game and he's on the hot seat, period.

The Walk-On program's biggest benefit to Nebraska was the total buy-in these players brought to the table. While they weren't always top-quality athletes, because they were playing for Nebraska back when Nebraska was a living legend, they busted their ass every down, every practice, every lifting session. These guys helped instill the work ethic in out-of-state recruits, helped them buy in to the program, the culture, everything. Those kids are less likely to come to Nebraska for a couple of reasons: 1) Nebraska hasn't won a Conference Championship since the kids who would be walking on were in diapers. The mystique isn't what it was when Devaney and Osborne had the team winning meaningful games for two straight generations. 2) The 85-scholarship limit means it's far less likely that these hard-working players will eventually be able to earn a scholarship. They're also far more likely to be offered scholarships by area schools like North Dakota State or even Kansas or Iowa State. As college becomes more expensive, these kids are less likely to come to Nebraska. So rebuilding the Walk-On program would be a good thing, but it likely will never be the same as it was.

Bo is an angry guy. He is not a leader, and should not be a leader of young men. His "bunker mentality" (which he talked about in his latest taped rant) is detrimental to the team, and has helped drive a wedge between the players and everyone else not inside that locker room. There were numerous angry tweets by the players directed at the Administration, the fans, the media, everyone. That clearly comes from Bo, and it is not healthy. It is not a reality at Nebraska - we have some of the most loyal, die-hard fans in the country. Instilling that mentality into his program, by itself, was grounds for termination. Maybe Tressel can mentor Bo, maybe Bo can rehab his image and get back into D1A coaching. I don't see that as likely, though. A lot of PR work he put in over the last year was completely wasted by this latest revelation, and redoubling his efforts to overcome that is not something Bo has shown the willingness or ability to do.

Riley... I have no idea what he's going to do here. There are arguments to be made that he did turn chicken [Mark May] into chicken salad in Corvallis, but who knows if that's actually true, or will translate to Nebraska & the Big Ten? I'm taking a wait-and-see approach. Certainly he comes with glowing praise by an overwhelming number of press and other coaches, and that's reassuring, but that won't mean anything when we kick off next year.

One of the most odd things about this season: I was at the Miami game. It was an electric atmosphere, Bo had his players pumped and more prepared than Al Golden's players, and if you would have asked after that game which coach would be fired at the end of the season the overwhelming majority would have chosen Golden. But Golden will be on the sidelines in Miami next year, and Bo won't. All things considered, I'd say that benefits Nebraska.
I was gonna say about the walk-ons they mentioned something about an "academic scholarship for every county in the state" that was basically used for these walkons... I agree the legendary Nebraska walk-on program will never be what it once was unless bagmen get involved, and if your involving bagmen why would you waste them on walk ons...

good answers, I'm of the wait and see approach for them as well but the confidence with which this guy 1000 miles from Lincoln was speaking was what got me.
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I was gonna say about the walk-ons they mentioned something about an "academic scholarship for every county in the state" that was basically used for these walkons... I agree the legendary Nebraska walk-on program will never be what it once was unless bagmen get involved, and if your involving bagmen why would you waste them on walk ons...

good answers, I'm of the wait and see approach for them as well but the confidence with which this guy 1000 miles from Lincoln was speaking was what got me.

This is a rumor promulgated by our former Big 8 brethren, Kansas, Kansas State and Iowa State. I have never heard this from any source in Lincoln. It is an old wives' tale from fans of teams we beat upwards of 20 years in a row.
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The irony is that if Youngstown St. pulls the offer as the rumors have been going... it could be Nebraska that's actually getting owned paying the full $150k/mo.

While it would be better (from a pure financial perspective) not to pay that money, we can more than afford it, and it's the honorable thing to do. The only thing to do. I hope Bo uses that money to ensure the comfort and well-being of his family, and that they prosper as a result.
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I mean owned as in the fact that a former coach/player recorded this audio and leaked it. So much for his concept of loyalty, eh?

I honestly haven't listened to the audio or read transcript - I guess his outbursts are just old news to me?
IMO it's sour grapes... and hardly unexpected given his temperament.
If anything I found the AD response posted here a bit humorous... employed the guy for how many years and now going to claim they don't tolerate it? If that were they case, he should've pulled the trigger this time last year. It's a few years late to claim they won't tolerate childish outbursts from a coach.

It does shine quite a bit of light on the Riley hire though. If there was any doubt he was hired b/c of his demeanor, I think that's been erased. knappic has a good point about the culture too -- and while I have serious doubts about his capability to be anything more than underwhelming HC, I can appreciate that he'd be the right man for the job to fix any culture issues.
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Probably not, but maybe?
I don't know... Youngstown St. is kind of off the beaten track and theoretically less susceptible to public opinion. Given Pelinis connections and blue-collar feel of the area, it may not have been a big issue.
While pop culture portrays Tressel running that place like a bingo mafia boss... rarely is that the case, even at a smaller institution. I'm sure they have their donors and Boards like everyone else.
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According to former University of Colorado president Elizabeth Hoffman, in sworn deposition testimony, the c word can be a term of endearment. So there's that.

No, sir. She said it was ONCE used as a term of endearment. Say it now, and earrings are taken off, purses dropped, hair put into pony tails, and asses are kicked.
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During Hoffman's deposition, one woman's attorney said the derogatory term had been used by a Colorado football player against former placekicker Katie Hnida. The attorney asked Hoffman if she thought the term was "a filthy and vile word."
Hoffman replied that it was a "swear word" and that its meaning depended on the circumstances in which it was used, the station reported.
When asked if it could ever be used in a polite context, Hoffman replied, "Yes, I've actually heard it used as a term of endearment."

and this

University spokeswoman Michele Ames said Hoffman knows the current use of the word has "negative connotations" but in its original use, centuries ago, it was not a negative.
"Because she is a medieval scholar, she is also aware of the long history of the word dating back to at least Chaucer," Ames said. Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the earliest English writers, lived in the late 1300s and used the word in "The Canterbury Tales."

So, Bo is also a medieval scholar. Who knew?

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