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OL Connor Smith (official thread)

MililaniBuckeye said:
You can't compare the two. Boren's dad took him to every Michigan game possible, and their household has had a very strong tie to Michigan even before Justin was born...Justin even had a photo of him with Bobo Schempburglar. Although Smith's dad played for Ohio State, the OSU iinfluence in the Smith household doesn't seem as strong.
Mili, maybe not as strong but it took me all of about 2 seconds to find out that Smith Sr was an alum, played FB and is nuts about the program when I met him. Conners dad is probably respectful of his sons free choice, but there is no doubt where his heart lies. He still wears his OSUFB ring in the office.
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Make no mistake about it, Joe Smith is a Buckeye through and through. Believe me, it is not easy for a Colerain student/grad to come to OSU. They hear about it when they commit and for years after. I have never encountered an Ohio football program that is more pro-Michigan and anti-OSU than Colerain. They have gone to the Michigan camp for at least 25 years now, and Coombs is all about UM. Despite this, my Colerain contacts tell me that they'll be shocked if C. Smith isn't a Buckeye. They all agree that he is the real deal, with an edge.

Go Bucks!
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NerkBuck said:
. Believe me, it is not easy for a Colerain student/grad to come to OSU. They hear about it when they commit and for years after. I have never encountered an Ohio football program that is more pro-Michigan and anti-OSU than Colerain.

Go Bucks!

Really? I don't recall any brow beating of Jefferson Kelly when he made the choice to become a Buckeye. I remember attending scUM camp as a sophomore in 1985 and it really was a good camp...but, by no means, was anybody brow beaten to attend tsun by Colerain coaches...and we had a few good recruits and our camp guide was a Colerain grad, Eric Kattus. (on a side note, we did have to learn that wretched song and sing it for Bobo...after the singing of that song I broke into 'Across the Field' with several other OSU fanatics at the camp....we were quickly silenced by a few camp coaches...you should have seen Bobo's face! :biggrin: )

I am not denying that their isn't a pipeline to tsun from Colerain...But until Tressel made the visit to Colerain to talk with Connor and Cobra, the last OSU coach on Colerain's campus was Earl Bruce. Cooper didn't even come to Cincinnati to talk with Kelly. There are some bridges that need to be built back up, and that takes time. Coombs only cares about getting his players scholarships to college. Does he have a strong bond with the staff up north? yes. Would he be hurt if his kids started going to OSU? no. He wants his kids to succeed in life and on the football field. The means to which they do so are irrelevant. JT is doing the right thing and more players from our little powerhouse on the Northwest outskirts of Cincinnati are going to remember JT's presence at Colerain.

But to say that kids would 'hear about it' if the picked OSU just isn't true.
Stop painting Colerain in that light. Its all about the kids and thier future. OSU or scUM, it does not matter. what does is four years of paid education and a chance to continue playing football at the next level....seriously, Colerain has sent five kids to Dantonio and the UC program in the last five years (more kids then they have sent to scUM) but I don't hear any grumblings about a pipeline to Cincy...
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Don't take offense. This is my observation. I am biased as a native central Ohioan, living in Cincinnati, but my observation is based on direct reports from a couple Colerain grads (a couple years older than you). I didn't say the staff or Coombs spew fire or venom, merely that Coombs' collegiate allegiance is with UM in the Big Ten, not OSU. That allegiance is firm. It likely has been firmed up by Cooper's negligence of the Cincinnati area, including Colerain, but it certainly pre-existed JC's arrival, and it was in place before Coombs started coaching at Colerain. With regards to "brow beating", I only stated that the few have "heard about it", from fellow Colerain teammates and football alums. Softball jabs, I'm sure, but real as reported by some in the know.

By the way, I agree that Coombs is a great coach and cares deeply about directing his kids to success. I just don't like that his Big Ten level recruits are steered toward UM. That's my problem, I know, but it's a fact. The Colerain program is a great one, and I hope JT and staff continue to give it its due, no matter how uphill it seems.

Go Bucks!

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NerkBuck said:

Don't take offense. This is my observation. I am biased as a native central Ohioan, living in Cincinnati, but my observation is based on direct reports from a couple Colerain grads (a couple years older than you). I didn't say the staff or Coombs spew fire or venom, merely that Coombs' collegiate allegiance is with UM in the Big Ten, not OSU. That allegiance is firm. It likely has been firmed up by Cooper's negligence of the Cincinnati area, including Colerain, but it certainly pre-existed JC's arrival, and it was in place before Coombs started coaching at Colerain. With regards to "brow beating", I only stated that the few have "heard about it", from fellow Colerain teammates and football alums. Softball jabs, I'm sure, but real as reported by some in the know.

By the way, I agree that Coombs is a great coach and cares deeply about directing his kids to success. I just don't like that his Big Ten level recruits are steered toward UM. That's my problem, I know, but it's a fact. The Colerain program is a great one, and I hope JT and staff continue to give it its due, no matter how uphill it seems.

Go Bucks!

No offense taken, Nerk (somebody actually gave me negative rep. for that post....I guess they didn't like that fact that I know more about the Colerain program then they do...):slappy:

I have been around Colerain all my life. I played with Colerain QB coach, Tom Bolden, and I have watched the current senior class grow up from diapers...and I just have never heard of OSU kids from Colerain getting picked on or jabs thrown at them....I'm sorry, I just don't buy it/see it.
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I was in the Buckeye Corner on Lane today. On one of their signs right inside the door, it said "Ohio State expected to sign LT Connor Smith from Cincinnati Colerain"

Maybe they know something we don't. All the signs seem to point to Smith to OSU.
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While I agree that Ohio State is EXPECTED to sign Connor, I disagree that all signs are pointing to him coming to Ohio State.

I think it's a little disconcerting that Ryan Palmer seems to be content to wait until August 1st to hear about his offer. Was he told this by a member of the coaching staff?

If he was told that an offer is contingent on what Connor Smith does then that tells me that the staff doesn't know what Connor is thinking. If the staff has no idea what Connor is thinking, then the possibility of him going elsewhere is very real.
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