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RB John Clay (official thread)

It seems like as soon as we offered him he added us back into his list of schools. Hopefully he can get down for a visit.
That's not accurate. Ohio State was dropped from Clay's scout list after Ohio St. had already offered. I'm going to guess the Buckeyes got put back on the list because Clay wasn't getting the subsequent offers they would have predicted. I don't think he has gotten any new offers in a while. His list of offers I believe is still: Wisconsin, tOSU, Nebraska, Iowa, Ole Miss. But he might start getting many more after his performance at the Columbus Nike Camp:

Rivals Free

I still predict that Clay likes all the attention, and will string this out to the end as he said he would, but when it's all said and done, he will pair with Oglesby at home in Wisconsin to become part of a dominant rushing attack.

EDIT: Please only link articles from Scout or Rivals even if they are free--21
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The power of Clay and Chris Wells in the backfield, plus the speed of Maurice Wells and Haw at RB & Dukes, Small, Saine, Robiskie, Hartline and Derrell Johnson maybe at WR? That is one impressive offense if you ask me
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Clay isn't getting the hype he deserves because of his grades. I think Scout and Rivals are avoiding giving him the normal accolades because they're worried he might end up playing JUCO. The same is true of Noel Devine, but Devine also has attitude problems to go with it.

Regardless, I was surprised to see that schools are offering the kid scholarships already.
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05/14: Woelfel: Clay attracting all kinds of attention

<small class="contentitemcategory"> Category: General </small>
<small class="contentitempostedby"> Posted by: Sports</small><object classid="clsid<img src=" http://www.buckeyeplanet.com/forum/images/smilies/biggrin.gif="" alt="" title="Big Grin" smilieid="4" class="inlineimg" border="0">

You can’t blame Josh Oglesby for trying.
After the outstanding offensive lineman from St. Francis High School made a verbal commitment to attend the University of Wisconsin, he became a pseudo recruiter for the Badgers.
“He texted me after he decided to go to Wisconsin,’’ said Johnny Clay, Park High School’s junior running back who is considered one of the top prospects in the country. “He told me to come to Wisconsin and get a ring.’’
Clay didn’t respond to Oglesby’s message, although that’s not to say Clay couldn’t still wind up as Badger. It’s just that Clay isn’t in any rush to make an oral commitment to any school. In fact, Clay has every intention of taking his NCAA allotted five official visits.
As one might imagine, Clay has been bombarded with letters from college coaches. He’s received so many letters that he’s now resorted to putting them in garbage bags.
Clay wows college suitors
Clay was one of the select number of prep football standouts who participated in a Nike invitational camp two weekends ago at Columbus, Ohio.
Recruiters from virtually every college in the nation were on hand and Clay, whom some scouting services rank among the top 10 players, didn’t disappoint. The 6-foot-2, 222-pound Clay was clocked at a smoking 4.3 seconds in the 40-yard dash.
Clay wasn’t the only Park player who made a distinct impression. Jesse Hamilton, his cousin, who plays safety at Park, “locked down’’ the receivers he covered at the camp, Clay said. Hamilton’s stock seems to be on the rise with Ohio State, Wisconsin and Illinois among the interested parties.
USOC committee honors Mirabella
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