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Terrell Owens (official thread of nonsense)

NEXT QUESTION:biggrin: if you saw the press conference you what I'm talking about. The Drew getting paid angle was discussed on ESPN radio. I think there is something to it. He will not be on Atlanta next year, the owner Arthur Blank has a "Falcon filter" that has been put in place. This prevented the Falcons from trying to acquire Randy Moss last year. If you won't take a chance on Moss you are not going to get anywhere near T.O.
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T.O. is an ass. His agent is an ass. However.

rosenhaus did make some points. you have pro athletes that beat thier wives, make drug deals on cell phones, and alot of other stuff. this guy is just an asshole. its not against the law. i work with a bunch of assholes, and not one of them has been suspended for being such. i cant believe that the media spends so much time bashing these players. NEWSFLASH: most are ego maniacs. they have been told they are great since they ran for thier first TD when they were six. If no team wants to sign them, fine by me. but when they do, and they will, dont bitch afterwards that they ran their mouth. its getting old.

jamal lewis, ray lewis, that panthers reciever that had his pregnant girlfriend killed, wife beaters(jason kidd, warren moon, etc., jayson williams (shot his limo driver), these guys are much bigger douchebags than a guy who runs his mouth and asks for more money. the media does need to get a f'ing grip.
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T.O. is an ass. His agent is an ass. However.

rosenhaus did make some points. you have pro athletes that beat thier wives, make drug deals on cell phones, and alot of other stuff. this guy is just an asshole. its not against the law. i work with a bunch of assholes, and not one of them has been suspended for being such. i cant believe that the media spends so much time bashing these players. NEWSFLASH: most are ego maniacs. they have been told they are great since they ran for thier first TD when they were six. If no team wants to sign them, fine by me. but when they do, and they will, dont bitch afterwards that they ran their mouth. its getting old.

jamal lewis, ray lewis, that panthers reciever that had his pregnant girlfriend killed, wife beaters(jason kidd, warren moon, etc., jayson williams (shot his limo driver), these guys are much bigger douchebags than a guy who runs his mouth and asks for more money. the media does need to get a f'ing grip.

Its not necessarily the medias fault. Its T.O.'s. He continually ran his mouth to the media, and it came back to bite him in the ass. The media is only reporting what T.O says to them, and if he would keep his mouth shut then they wouldnt have anything to report. If he was willing to swallow his pride every now and then and say "Yeah I fucked up" I think people would be more lenient towards him. But exactly how many chances does TO and Drew Rosenhaus think he needs? In San Francisco he basically alienated that organization, coach and QB. He then is going to get traded to Baltimore, but he throws a bitch fit because he had started negotiating with Philly and thats where HE wanted to go. He gets to where HE wants to go, and alienates the organization, coach and QB again, exactly how is this the medias fault? The guys a jackass plain and simple. The only redeeming value he has is he is an excellent receiver, because if he wasnt he would be having to sell all of his houses because no one in thier right mind would hire a pre madonna like him outside of professional athletics.
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Fark: Terrell Owens (some great farks brought over from Soonerfans)

espn and the media play up what he said publically, but that wasn't why he was suspended. If he was just running his mouth in front of the camera, they would have dealt with that.

TO was a cancer everywhere (lockerroom, practices, sidelines), and that was evident.

This was a team that cannot survive without his skills. He had to have been unbelievably out of line repeatedly for them to make a move like this.
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Its not necessarily the medias fault. Its T.O.'s. He continually ran his mouth to the media, and it came back to bite him in the ass. The media is only reporting what T.O says to them, and if he would keep his mouth shut then they wouldnt have anything to report. If he was willing to swallow his pride every now and then and say "Yeah I fucked up" I think people would be more lenient towards him. But exactly how many chances does TO and Drew Rosenhaus think he needs? In San Francisco he basically alienated that organization, coach and QB. He then is going to get traded to Baltimore, but he throws a bitch fit because he had started negotiating with Philly and thats where HE wanted to go. He gets to where HE wants to go, and alienates the organization, coach and QB again, exactly how is this the medias fault? The guys a jackass plain and simple. The only redeeming value he has is he is an excellent receiver, because if he wasnt he would be having to sell all of his houses because no one in thier right mind would hire a pre madonna like him outside of professional athletics.

I'm not blaming the media for T.O. being an asshole. What I am blaming them for is ignoring bigger assholes. Whenever a pro athlete is accused of a serious crime, the talking heads at espin and elswhere comment on how nothing has been proven, rightfully so, but then, when convicted, the story never resurfaces. Mark schlereth(sp?) was on tonight bitching how most nfl players just come to work and earn a paycheck. Bullshit.

My point was, the eagles, the media, the fans, and everyone else knew he was a jackass before he signed there. Now they act like it is grounds to suspend him. He has been doing this shit for years. The media needs to learn that bad-mouthing or upsetting the people you work with in no way compares to real, actual criminal offenses, then report as such.

prove to me T.O cheated (steroids in Baseball) or he beat his wife, murdered someone, cheated on his taxes, whatever...otherwise, they knew who he was a long time ago. quit reporting on it like it is a new revalation.
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The question the guy asked Drewsie, which was I believe "Have you done anything for him besides getting him kicked off the team?" may have been one of the greatest questions ever. I believe he's in it totally for himself, just like all the people feeding Clarett's delusions and fantasies were, but that doesn't excuse Clarett, or TO either. He'll get a new contract all right, but it won't be for what he wants, and it might not even be for as much as he has this year. Of course Drewsie will get his cut of that...but it might only be $49.95 of every dollar, sharply down from his regular cut of $77...
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T.O. is by far an idiot. He's almost 32 and playing the money game for his contracts,

His agent talking is funny because , I think he is finding out that T.O. might be his only player left after this season. He has a great job , how I have no idea as you can tell listening to him talk to the media

If new or past players sign with him alone tells you how stupid some of those athletes must be.

T.O needs to understand that football is a team sport before he talks to thr media
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T.O. is an ass. His agent is an ass. However.

rosenhaus did make some points. you have pro athletes that beat thier wives, make drug deals on cell phones, and alot of other stuff. this guy is just an asshole. its not against the law. i work with a bunch of assholes, and not one of them has been suspended for being such. i cant believe that the media spends so much time bashing these players. NEWSFLASH: most are ego maniacs. they have been told they are great since they ran for thier first TD when they were six. If no team wants to sign them, fine by me. but when they do, and they will, dont bitch afterwards that they ran their mouth. its getting old.

jamal lewis, ray lewis, that panthers reciever that had his pregnant girlfriend killed, wife beaters(jason kidd, warren moon, etc., jayson williams (shot his limo driver), these guys are much bigger douchebags than a guy who runs his mouth and asks for more money. the media does need to get a f'ing grip.

ok, so according to drew, we should praise TO (or any "clean" athlete) for not being a dick?

"way to go dave, you didn't beat your wife or kill anyone!!!"
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Jackson: T.O. suspension 'much too severe'

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - The Rev. Jesse Jackson called the Philadelphia Eagles' punishment of Terrell Owens "much too severe."

Jackson said in a statement released Friday that Owens could have been more professional when he publicly complained about his contract, his team and the Eagles' organization.

But Jackson said Owens' suspension without pay for four games and deactivation for the rest of the season is "much too severe for the charge" and hurts the athlete's NFL career at its height.
The civil rights activist said the level of punishment could have been warranted if Owens had been caught shaving points, selling drugs, carrying a gun or fighting fans without sufficient restraint.
"This does not warrant a one-year ban from the game," Jackson said, adding that the Eagles should release Owens to the open market or free agency if they no longer want to associate with him.
Ralph Nader, a consumer activist and former presidential candidate, has already called for the suspension to be rescinded. Owens was suspended last week after he said in an interview that the Eagles showed "a lack of class" for not publicly recognizing his 100th career touchdown catch, and that the team would be better off with Green Bay's Brett Favre as quarterback. He has since apologized.
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