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tOSU Indiscretions of May (Mega Merge)

Another attempt to put into perspective the problem we (including me) are asking JT to 'solve'.

Lots of opinions so far ranging from pot use is unacceptable under any circumstance to it being the equivalent of drinking soda pop. So I tried finding some numbers, but with surprisingly little success - at least at the college level.

However, I did learn that the portion of youths between 12 and 17 who use pot in any given month is estimated at about 37%.

Couldn't find any comparable stats for college, but it would be reasonable to argue that the percentage increases significantly when one goes to college. This is supported by the trend line that shows usage moving from 16% to 32% to 37% as students move from 8th to 10th to 12th grade.

I did find a stat for one particular college that estimated 45 percent of students used pot during their time at that school. That school was Yale.

I also learned that usage among males was almost 50% higher than that for females. (If you are following along, most football players are male.)

However, the most fascinating number I saw was that teens who attend parties are EIGHTEEN times as likely to use pot than those who do not. We can speculate all day on why this is true, but I think we can all agree that the social life for the average OSU football player is quite active.

One could fairly estiamte that the day Eric Haw lit up conservatively half his team mates did the same.

Now get a handle on this JT! It is YOUR problem!
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Dryden said:
This is neither here nor there regarding Haw's behaviour, conduct, or his punishment specifically, but if anyone needs an example of how people have changed socially, I guess you really don't need to look much further than this thread or the one regarding Skeete.

I cannot understand how some people just don't fucking get it: dope is illegal. PERIOD. END OF STORY. Whether you roll it, pack it, sniff it, sell it, it doesn't matter -- possessing pot is illegal, so as 3yards pointed out, stop rationalizing Haw's or Skeete's behaviour as if it's ok because, well, 'it's just weed.' I can't believe how many people on this board keep getting suckered into arguing semantics with pot-heads.

This was mentioned by someone else earlier, and I think it's a valid point, but why/how does this crap become public so damn fast? I'm not advocating that the university or campus police start covering up the mistakes of OSU football players, but when the hell was the last time a football player on Tressel's team ever got one of those double-secret "Such-and-such was suspended for a violation of team rules." It just seems to me that someone at the campus police department has Tim May, Todd Jones, and 1460 on speed dial 5 minutes from the perpetration of a crime by anyone even remotely associated with the athletics department.
have you ever driven over the speed limit? rolled a stop sign? because THAT IS ILLEGAL. PERIOD... look, about ten years ago, i got popped on campus with some herb, and literally got a TICKET. yes, technically, i was under arrest, but they didn't even take my picture or fingerprint me... yes, what he did was illegal, but only for the simple fact that the Gov't cannot regulate a substance that you can grow in your kitchen... stop comparing what he did to felonious behavior, because what he did, according to the eyes of the law, was as serious as driving 80 in a 65... actually, not even as serious, since he won't get any points on his license... he will be fined $100 for minor misdemeanor (he'll probably get it reduced to a Disorderly Conduct) and will get it expunged from his record after one year... stop blowing this out of proportion...

concerning the fact that news gets out so fast now, the internet is a double edged sword, no? BTW, did you know that campus Police used to have Coop's home phone number on speed dial, so he could go bail his players out and hush it up? yup, it's true... part of the reason that we hear about every infraction now, is that when Tressel first got to Ohio State, he told the cops that he didn't want them to call him, because the public humiliation that comes with thousands of people calling you a dumbass mere moments after you get caught, is a bit of a deterrent...
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Remove Clarett from the equation and we do not have this thread length... bottom line. Smith's $500 booster payment would not have nearly as big of a deal without him.

USC, Tennessee and others have much more serious crimes and at a much faster rate.

Yes there needs to be a change, b/c I want to only see minor mistakes. But the sky definitely is not even close to falling.
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lvbuckeye said:
go back and read my previous posts... i DID state that what he did was unnacceptable... i just don't think that it as big a deal as some other people...
I don't need to read them...

My opinion is that the climate of the program needs to change, yours is that the sky is not falling and we are paranoid.

I agree that the sky is not falling, but I hold the opinion that changes must be made to stop the bleeding.

If that makes me paranoid, pass the Prozac...

Difference in opinion...no harm, no foul
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Alright this isn't called for at all, but I'm going out on as low of a note as possible:
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minor misdemeanor or d.u.i whats worse

Tressel's call, a game or 2 or,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

he gets that and usa today has an article about it. More great news about the buckeyes and I'm waiting for espn to say that how they won the title. All buckeyes were high
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concerning the fact that news gets out so fast now, the internet is a double edged sword, no? BTW, did you know that campus Police used to have Coop's home phone number on speed dial, so he could go bail his players out and hush it up? yup, it's true... part of the reason that we hear about every infraction now, is that when Tressel first got to Ohio State, he told the cops that he didn't want them to call him, because the public humiliation that comes with thousands of people calling you a dumbass mere moments after you get caught, is a bit of a deterrent...

If this is a true statement (and I have wanted to suggest that JT might want to take such an approach) it changes my perception 100%. If this is true it really makes our comparisons of OSU to every other program Apples and Oranges. Almost all other programs take the Cooper approach and we have no idea what is going on. (If I were going to guess at other coaches who wouldn't want to be on police speed dial JoPa would come to mind.)

I just posted stats that would suggest a great deal of pot smoking (and at least an equal amount of heavy drinking) is likely to be going on with any football team. We have been asking for a couple of hundred posts why OSU looks so bad. Here is your answer. A coach who isn't afraid of the truth.

How many of the indicents in JTs tenure were reported by Campus Police? Scratch those (and probably city cop reports as well) off the ledger and how bad does OSU look?

So, are we really screaming for a coach to take control? Or do we want a coach who will sweep things under the carpet rather than ask young men to be held accountable as we all keep suggesting they should?

If this is true we all need to take two huge steps back and think about how Jim Tressel views his job and the courage it takes to do it the way he is doing it.

You think Mack Brown is on speed dial? Phat Phil? Lllllloyd? Or are these guys just such disciplinarians that their kdis dare not cross them?
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Oh8ch: "I just posted stats that would suggest a great deal of pot smoking (and at least an equal amount of heavy drinking) is likely to be going on with any football team."

I will comment, firsthand (here are my qualifications):

1. I was at OSU during Cooper's six prime seasons: '93 to '98.

2. I lived smack dab in the heart of party central (South Campus) that entire time. I was very much in touch with anything & everything that went on in that area in those days.

3. I've personally drank & smoked weed many times with various athletes at OSU during that time, including members of the football team.

I will say this (to expand on Oh8ch's point): there's absolutely, positively NO WAY that any of this stuff happens more than it did during the Cooper regime. It may happen just as much, but there's no way it happens more. The difference is (as Oh8 implied) is that more kids are getting caught. I personally don't know why that is. I'll buy the speed dial explanation.
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