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<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="70%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=tcat>vBulletin Message</TD></TR><TR><TD class=panelsurround align=middle>
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This forum requires that you wait 20 seconds between searches. Please try again in 11902 seconds.

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That's actually pretty funny.
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What? Makes perfect sense to me. Geesh........newbies :biggrin:
I'm learning, you goober. :grr:


Thought I deleted that post... Realized it seems to be a system time issue. I think Clarity is working on stuff. :)

EDIT: Yeah, see the time stamp on the post - only posted it a little while ago. I bet the time changed while I was deleting or something? It's all too Back to the Future...
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My best guess is that when the machine restarted after the ram was installed (back up to 4gb, insert tired cheer here), that there was a brief moment where the system clock and the hardware clock didn't see eye to eye and had to sync up. Resulting in the bit of oddity you posted above as the one that vB reads from changed.

On the other hand, since I have absolutely no idea what i'm talking about (literally), I could be completely wrong, and people will just have to wait 3 hours and 20 minutes or so betwen searches.

3:20? Hmm, sort of kills my sync theory. It would be off by round hours, not hours and minutes.

Okay, second guess... It never happened, and you can't prove it. I've closed my eyes, and therefore it doesn't exist.
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Still having problems with the smilies taking about 15-20 secs. to pop up.

Also, is there a way that we can change the smilies that show up on the side of the screen?

Also, on my comp. at work, every time I send a pm, the machine locks up and has to be shut down. Any ideas on how to fix it?

Thanks man!
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Thump, I can't reproduce the smilies thing. It may just be that we need less of them, but that doesn't make much sense.

I did just optimize MySQL for 4gb ram, so that *might* have made a difference in what you're seeing. Let me know.

Right now I'm just sort of hoping that these are issues that will be cleaned up when 3.5.0 goes gold, as I have no explanation for the behavior.

A couple questions;

Which editor are you using? Basic, standard or WYSIWYG? Those are in your options in UserCP, it's down towards the bottom under 'misc'.

Also, what does the load time say when you pull up the smilies? Should be something like; "Page generated in 0.12989 seconds with 12 queries."
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