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"Community" / Parks & Recreation

There's no reason to start a Parks and Rec thread... just wanted to point out that this is awesome...


Introducing the Ron Swanson Turkey Burger: A Fried Turkey Leg Inside a Grilled Hamburger

Monday, April 25, 2011, by Paula Forbes

When asked if he had ever eaten a turkey burger on last week's episode of Parks and Recreation, our hero Ron Swanson replied: "Is that a fried turkey leg inside a grilled hamburger? If so, yes. Delicious." And because we believe everything Ron Swanson says, we decided to make one. Below, a photo essay of the epic construction of the surprisingly delicious Ron Swanson Turkey Burger ? plus the recipe, in case you want to try it out for yourself...
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NFBuck;1876695; said:
"More fish for Kunta..."

I just started watching this show, and I have been watching all the episodes in order. I just watched that episode, and that line made me laugh harder than I have at a tv show in a long time.

I also enjoyed Malcolm Jamal Warner stating his crazy looking sweater was given to him by his father.

For someone who has watched way too much tv and way too many movies, this series is a goldmine.
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scott91575;1912788; said:
BTW...Pierce is by far the most improved character over the whole series. Abed is certainly the show stealer, if not the real star. Yet Pierce has really picked it up.
This is one of those rare shows, like 'Arrested Development', that every character brings a lot to the show. Some are better than others, but it's hard to pick a weakness.
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NFBuck;1921856; said:
That may have been the most epic season finale in the history of network television. Abed as Han fucking Solo. :banger::banger::banger:

Sadly, it got a 1.4 rating. Poor for even Community. Sure, there were lots of sporting events that had some effect. Yet that doesn't bode well for the future. At least it has already been picked up for next season. Hopefully they can keep their head above 2.0 for all of the season. If not, the show could be on the chopping block.
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There were funny moments, but a third paintball episode in a short span is going to rightfully rate poorly, particularly two back to back.

Looking forward to their typical ingenuity next season.
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jwinslow;1921909; said:
There were funny moments, but a third paintball episode in a short span is going to rightfully rate poorly, particularly two back to back.

Looking forward to their typical ingenuity next season.

It will be interesting to see the situation with Pierce/Chevy Chase. It's hard to get a gauge on Chevy and his interest in the show. First of all, he lives in New York and Community is shot at Paramount Studios and LA City College. So that is a pain for him. He is also a historic pain the ass. I have the first season on DVD, and I have listened to the audio commentary. You can tell by their comments Chevy can be a pain at times. When he is on the audio commentary, he seems a little disinterested some of the time (well, outside of talking about himself). Yet there are other times he is very complimentary. I wonder if they are simply reducing his role and involvement in the show, part because for Chevy and the other part since Pierce may have gone through his entire arc. This season was about his character more that the others, and Dan Harmon has stated Pierce will never be "redeemed." In other words, his character does not have much change in him vs. the other ones who are being developed (especially Troy, Abed, and Annie). So he may have ran his full course, and will be limited to more of a cameo role. In the end, I am just spit balling. Yet I see that as a possibility.

On a side note, Harmon loves Donald Glover. He rivaled Pierce this past season, and certainly grew more than the other characters. Throughout the audio commentary for season 1 they kept talking about using Donald more because he is such a funny person.
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scott91575;1921908; said:
Sadly, it got a 1.4 rating. Poor for even Community. Sure, there were lots of sporting events that had some effect. Yet that doesn't bode well for the future. At least it has already been picked up for next season. Hopefully they can keep their head above 2.0 for all of the season. If not, the show could be on the chopping block.
I don't expect it to survive long. It's just not the type of show that can draw a mass audience. Though, in today's dvr environment, I'm not sure how much Nielson really plays into things anymore. Maybe critical acclaim and strong reviews are enough to extend more rope than in years past. Still, the parellels to 'Arrested Development' are pretty striking. If it does get chopped, I'm just hoping it has enough of a cult following to draw interest from a cable channel. It's hands down my favorite show since AD.
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NFBuck;1921956; said:
I don't expect it to survive long. It's just not the type of show that can draw a mass audience. Though, in today's dvr environment, I'm not sure how much Nielson really plays into things anymore. Maybe critical acclaim and strong reviews are enough to extend more rope than in years past. Still, the parellels to 'Arrested Development' are pretty striking. If it does get chopped, I'm just hoping it has enough of a cult following to draw interest from a cable channel. It's hands down my favorite show since AD.

NBC just renewed Chuck for another season so Community should be safe for another couple years. Just give it the 4 years it takes to get through college and I'll be happy. I wish they would set an end date for more shows so the writers could set a plot arc after the first season or two so they aren't dragging a show out for no reason (i.e. Lost). If I read correctly How I Met your Mother just got on a two year clock so it should start to pick up over the past couple season.
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