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Celtics-Magic Second round series

BuckeyeNation27;1465667; said:
Yeah....why would the NBA want a team with one of the biggest fanbases to advance? That would be stupid.
Never said it was stupid, but if you have the choice of Celtics or LeBron you're rooting for LeBron. The NBA markets superstars not teams. The casual fan and everybody who's not a Celtics fan would rather see LeBron and that's a lot bigger number than amount of Celtics fans. It's really a no lose situation for the NBA whichever team makes it, but if I'm Stern I'd be rooting for the games biggest star to make the Finals.
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I myself want Boston to win... I'm not rooting for them, and I won't be sad if they lose but.

We owe them. Their fans, Mascot, Ray Allen, Paul Peirce, Perkins, Rondo and that bitch KG the ass-beating they sorely deserve.

Actually, you know - this is what I want. Them to win this series in game 6 feeling cocky, you know, what KG is even when he's not suited up to play.

Come into the Q, and get smoked the first 2 nights. Then back at Boston, lose a heartbreaker 3rd, then get demolished on their homecourt in game 4 right infront of their "fans"...

3 sweeps, 3 teams... onto the finals for Cleveland.

Enjoy this moment Boston, savor every feeling in these seconds.

Soon, very soon... Its all going to come crashing down.
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Jake;1465732; said:
It's kinda funny how cocky Cavs fans have become considering their team still hasn't won shit in their entire existence. If the Celts don't win this year, which they probably won't, I'd actually pull for the Cavs (especially against the Lakers) because LeBron is amazingly humble for a man of his skills and accomplishments.

Then again, if Cleveland pulls a Cleveland - as in The Drive or The Fumble - the meltdown would be sure to provide some delicious moments.

I'm still laughing at the guy earlier in this thread that gave someone shit, saying that this was a "Cavs board". :lol:
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BB73;1465722; said:
You'd think they could show 1 replay from the side, rather than from under the basket, in order to see it clearly.

Stan Van Gundy needs to be fired.

I agree big-time here. Shaq was right , Van Gundy is a horrible coach. What coach in their right mind is going to have their worst ft shooter on the floor with 9 seconds left, the throw in on their end and a 3 point deficit? Van Gundy , thats who.

When they were up 10 and the Celtics made the big run, he waited way too long to get a t.o. When he did, they came back with no play whatsoever. I could have drawn up a better call than that.

What coach has the best big man in the game, but only gets him 10 shots in a huge playoff game? They rarley look for him down low.

Go back to Porn Van Gundy because you can't coach for shit.
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Jake;1465732; said:
It's kinda funny how cocky Cavs fans have become considering their team still hasn't won shit in their entire existence. If the Celts don't win this year, which they probably won't, I'd actually pull for the Cavs (especially against the Lakers) because LeBron is amazingly humble for a man of his skills and accomplishments.

Then again, if Cleveland pulls a Cleveland - as in The Drive or The Fumble - the meltdown would be sure to provide some delicious moments.
Eh, I can't speak for everybody, but I'm fully aware of Cleveland's sports history and that keeps me from ever being cocky. Confident, yes. The Cavs are playing like a well oiled machine right now and have, arguably, the games best player, tremendous depth and chemistry. As for meltdowns, I don't know, I'm sure some will, but it would be more quiet resignation from me...after having your heart ripped out so many times, you kind of become numb to the whole thing.
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Never said it was stupid, but if you have the choice of Celtics or LeBron you're rooting for LeBron. The NBA markets superstars not teams. The casual fan and everybody who's not a Celtics fan would rather see LeBron and that's a lot bigger number than amount of Celtics fans. It's really a no lose situation for the NBA whichever team makes it, but if I'm Stern I'd be rooting for the games biggest star to make the Finals.
how old are you?

not old enough to remember any of the celtics dynastys?
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jimotis4heisman;1465967; said:
how old are you?

not old enough to remember any of the celtics dynastys?
No I wasn't alive during the Bill Russel & Bob Cousy days, most people weren't. I also said it's a no lose situation for the NBA between the two. This is the typical attitude of the older generation. Back in your day I'm aware it was about teams because there was no free agency and players played with one team their entire career and there were dynasties. Those days are long gone. Real basketball fans are going to watch regardless of if it's the Cavs or Celtics. If you're the NBA you're trying to attract the casual fan, somebody who's not really sure if they'll watch or not because how many of those people you attract determines if you get good ratings or not. I see LeBron commercials on all the time, but I can't name you one commercial that promotes the Celtics. I do see commercials with KG, but isn't he hurt? Your casual viewer probably doesn't know who Bill Russel is or doesn't care, so are they more likely to watch NBA MVP LeBron who's constantly in their face on commercials, SportsCenter highlights and also happens to be on the team with the best record or the Celtics who all they know is they won last year, but they're missing their best and most promoted player? Like I said it's a no lose, but I still contend people who aren't avid NBA fans will be more attrached to LeBron. It's not like the Celtics fanbase won't watch if their team isn't in it either. Especially if it's LeBron vs. Kobe most Celtic fans will watch too.
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Just saw this on the Sports Guy chat, and since we all know how reluctant he is to ever say anything negative about Boston, figured I'd fit in here:

Matt (Los Angeles, CA): KG's trash talking from the sideline is classless. It's one thing if he's on the floor...

Bill Simmons: I keep telling people: I can't condone KG's behavior. I would love to, but I can't.
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Jake;1465732; said:
It's kinda funny how cocky Cavs fans have become considering their team still hasn't won [censored] in their entire existence. If the Celts don't win this year, which they probably won't, I'd actually pull for the Cavs (especially against the Lakers) because LeBron is amazingly humble for a man of his skills and accomplishments.

Then again, if Cleveland pulls a Cleveland - as in The Drive or The Fumble - the meltdown would be sure to provide some delicious moments.

I've seen some cocky posts, but for the most part, we Cleveland fans are relatively negative and we tend to couch our optimism in hypotheticals... like, "if Lebron stays healthy, we can really win this thing."

There are more Cleveland fans here than any other team, you know, since this is an Ohio State board. That's a fact. With more numbers, you are going to get some cocky fans. Most are reserved.

That sad, I have always and will always hate Boston. The only times I've ever caught myself cheering for the Celtics were when they were playing Jordan's Bulls during their run. But, by that point, the Cs were rather irrelevant.
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Nothing quite as satisfying as seeing a Boston team lose, especially in a game seven at home. The Bruins did it last night, can the Celtics be next ?
I really doubt it because Van Gundy sucks and in a tight game Dwight Howard can't hit free throws. His ass was saved last night by his teammates. He missed 5 or 6 ft in the last 5 or 6 minutes. If I'm Doc Rivers, and the game is close late in the 4Th, I'm fouling Howard every time he touches the ball in the paint.

On another note, Rashard Lewis, how the hell do you get your shot blocked by that big, pasty-looking, red-headed stiff Scalabrine ? I hope you drove to the beach last night after the game so you could bury your head in the sand because that was pathetic.
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KING;1467193; said:
Rondo, Pierce and Ray Allen would disagree.
Allen and Pierce looked like they would rather be resting in bed last night rather than trying to get up-and-down the court. I don't think Rondo is that good of a player when the other team can leave him to go double-team because he has difficulty making a 15' jump shot. I think game 7 will boil down to whether Howard can shoot better than 50% from the FT line.
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